Thursday, December 6, 2012

Have Sex to Lose Weight...

Not only does having sex burn calories (even if you're really lazy or finish quickly) ... it also helps keep your body in, you're not having crazy cravings.  Sometimes, people who aren't getting sex, satisfy the body's needs through other through food.

See more about why having sex helps you keep your weight in control.

And learn 4 more tips for maintaining a healthy weight.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

And today I weigh

174.5 -- lowest in a week.  So, that's good.  2.5 more pounds down and I'm at my goal.  I'd like to be 172 or even lower pre-Christmas so I can enjoy the eating (responsibly) but without guilt... I love cookies and other treats and don't want to feel like I can't have them because I'm already at 175 or 176. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Does the 17 Day Diet Work?

So, there's some buzz about this 17 day diet plan ... a book by a doctor about weight loss.  Surprise!

I have a close friend who has started (7 days in) and has lost 4.5 pounds in the first 7 days.  Not bad.

The theory is that rapid weight loss early motivates you to keep losing.  I tend to agree.  There's nothing worse than dieting for a month and seeing a weight loss of 3-4 pounds.  Your body changes, you get unhappy, and the results aren't typically visible.  But, if my friend ends up losing 10 pounds in 17 days, that will be big progress.  And so, she'll keep it up.

Also, the book contains recipes -- and they are delicious!  The eggplant parmesan is simple, easy, and tastes great.  Plus, it's vegetables.  I've been just casually incorporating the principles and I've lost 2 pounds - but more importantly to me, I've been eating TONS more vegetables.  Which has benefits for my skin ... and because I'm consuming more vitamins, I'm getting healthier, I just know it.

Anyway, a diet that seems to work -- and after the first 17 days, you get to eat more and eventually, the life plan is pretty solid and not too much sacrifice. 

Learn more and/or try it!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why is my chest sore?

Because I did an extra helping of push-ups yesterday.  2 sets the normal way and two sets with my arms very close/tight to my body.  Plus, I lifted weights -- working my arms with hammer curls and then working my body with a forward lunge/press.  I feel great knowing I'm gaining strength and burning fat at the same time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

another day, another pound

Today I weigh 174.  That's two pounds less than Monday.  1 pound down from yesterday.  It IS progress.  Even if it just means I'm back where I was before Thanksgiving.  2 more pounds and I'm 172 again.  2 more after that and I have a cushion for Christmas. 

I ran last night instead of walking.  Not far, but I ran.  And that, combined with some weights, means I'm slightly sore today.  And that feels GREAT.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I like my scale better now

Even though it is just a pound, I'm now at 175.  That's better.  And hopefully, more sensible eating and a return to exercise after a Holiday reprieve will lead to 172.  172.  That's where I want to be. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

I hate my scale!

Because it revealed that after Thanksgiving and a commitment to "being good" I now weigh 176.  Exactly the same as my weight post-Thanksgiving last year.

My goal was to be 172 PRE-Thanksgiving, and I missed it.  By 2 pounds.  So, my Turkey Day weight gain was 2 pounds.  174 to 176.  Not terrible.  But not exciting.

Now, to prepare for Christmas.  And the times in between now and then when there will be food, desserts, sweets, candy.  To resist.  AND to exercise in spite of the cooler temps.

Today, I hate my scale.

Let's see how I feel about it at the end of this week.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Do you really need that Sports Drink?

Um, probably not.  So say the good folks over at Fooducate.

In fact, it could be bad news...lots of sugar (turns to fat) and other yucky chemicals not great for you.

Sure, there are some benefits if you are an elite athlete working out LOTS ... or, doing a focused, extreme workout.  But, by and large, WATER is all you need. 

Plus, water helps boost metabolism and speed oxygen to your blood vessels.  Which is just what your body needs after (and during) a workout. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why does Diet Coke make you fat?

I mean, there aren't any calories in diet coke, right? It's relatively low in sodium.  So, why does it make you fat?

Well, here's a report on a study (or, actually, a couple of studies) about why drinking that next diet coke could be keeping you fat.

I write this as someone who drinks 1 diet coke a day.  Sometimes 2 on Saturdays.  It is a tough addiction to fight.  I've lost weight over the past year and I've been keeping it off.  And I still drink diet coke.  But, I want to be healthy.  And I certainly don't want to end up with diabetes.

I've noticed that when I have access to tea, even unsweet tea, I don't drink soda.  I drink water all day at work and come home and drink a couple glasses of tea. 

So for me, I have to be committed to making that tea at home.  Otherwise, it seems likely that I'll drink at least one diet coke a day.  And that could have a negative impact on the bacteria in my stomach -- and keep me from being as fit as I can be. 

What are your solutions for avoiding diet coke?  Have you struggled with fighting a diet coke addiction?

How to make Pumpkin Soup

It's time to make soup.  It is cool, breezy, and nearly November.  Pumpkin soup is healthy, full of fiber, and delicious.

It's the perfect time for this warm, rich recipe with lots of stuff that's good for you.

Monday, October 29, 2012

How to make Pumpkin Pancakes!

It's Halloween and pumpkins abound.  Plus, as we head into Thanksgiving, there will be even MORE pumpkin around.

Make the best of the season with a delicious morning treat that's also good for you.  Well, at least better for you than just straight up pancakes.

These pumpkin pancakes are delicious -- yes, this is my recipe, adapted from a couple others.  And my whole family loves them. 

They feature lots of fiber (nearly 3g per serving), tons of Vitamin A -- 130% daily value, a healthy dose of potassium and 8g of protein.  Plus, they're only lightly, the sugar content is not crazy high. 

Here goes:

1 1/2 cups milk (I use skim)

1 cup canned pumpkin

1 egg

2 tablespoons butter (melted)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 Cups Flour -- I use 1 cup all purpose, 1 cup Buckwheat

3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ginger

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl

Mix wet ingredients and stir until smooth and well-blended

Stir dry ingredients into wet mix until well mixed, but not necessarily smooth

Heat a griddle or skillet over medium high heat -- lightly butter or oil

Add pancake batter by quarter-cup scoops.  When bubbles appear on top, turn over and cook until browned on both sides.  Serve warm with warm maple syrup

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October Surprise

Which is not much of a surprise, I guess.  But the month is almost over and I'm holding steady at 173. 

I'd like to hit Thanksgiving at 171 or even 170.  I know after that, it will be more eating and less exercise at least until the New Year.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to make tortilla soup

This is a really amazing recipe that I have tried.

Plus, it already got RAVE reviews from Mollie!

Yes, she's the one who wrote the recipe and made the soup.

And it is YUMMY!  And also, friendly to your waistline unless you eat a TON of chips with it.

So, spice it up for your football party... enjoy tortilla soup -- and a few chips.  And relish football and fall.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Can you have dessert with Diabetes?

YES! You can.  You can have a side of dessert with your diabetes.

Many people recently diagnosed with diabetes -- or even long-time sufferers -- feel they can't have dessert with their diabetes. 

But you CAN.

Not every day or with every meal.  But, if it someone's birthday or an office party or a special night out, you can have dessert.

Especially if the rest of your day's foods have been diabetes friendly -- whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein -- not so many carbs.

Now, don't start your day with a donut at the office then have a roll with lunch and then decide to have dessert at a party later.  Wrong move.

But DO plan for that dessert later by being extra careful throughout the day.  If the dessert is really'll be worth it.  And since dessert is meant to be a TREAT, not an everyday, eating this way will make you healthier, help you lose weight, and keep your diabetes under control.

So YES -- have some dessert with your diabetes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How Can You Fight Diabetes?

You don't want diabetes, do you?

Of course not.

But you may be struggling with weight loss or weight maintenance.  You may have been told you have pre-diabetes.

And so.  You feel like it is inevitable.

It's NOT.

Four steps can help you fight it:

1) Walk.  Work up to 30 minutes a day.  Every day.  Walking helps you burn energy -- calories - sugar ...and so, helps you lose weight and fight off diabetes

2) Drink carefully -- ideally, very little alcohol -- but, one drink every now and then won't hurt...moderation and discipline is key.

3) Eat fruits, veggies, and LEAN protein

4) Don't smoke...and if you do, work to quit...

That's it!

Don't accept that you're going to have diabetes...stand up and fight back.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What I weigh!

It seems to have been a while since I posted my weight.  So, here it is:  173. 

Not bad.  One pound over the 172 I crave.  But, it is fall.  And, there are more treats, cooler nights, and more temptation to eat.

At least, that's been my experience.  It seems by spring, I can get to a goal weight.  And this summer, I even got below...sometimes hitting 170 or 171. 

And then, fall hits. It gets dark earlier, it gets cool, and I crave an extra coffee or hot cocoa or warm roll.  And I add a couple pounds.  Then, from Halloween to Christmas, I pack on more pounds...candy, Thanksgiving, Holiday parties.  And I start the year well over my goal weight. 

Last year, I started at 179 -- below 180, which was huge.  And gave me only 7 pounds to lose to hit my goal of 172.  I hit 173 the day before I ran a half marathon ... and 172 not long after. 

The year before, I was at 185 and got down to 173 by half marathon time.  Now that I've been in the 172 range for a bit, I like the idea of weighing between 170 and 172.  And I can't believe I ever felt "ok" weighing above 180.  Clearly, too much weight not carried well for me. 

So, today it is 173.  And it is fall.  Walks and weights are in the future.  And we'll see if we can keep it under 175 as the new year approaches.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can you eat more and lose weight?

Yes, yes you can!!

You can eat more and lose weight.  You just need to eat more of the RIGHT foods.  Try high protein foods -- especially yogurt, which is also high in calcium.  Calcium helps prevent fat accumulation. 

Try beans and nuts -- high protein, high fiber foods that make you feel full. 

Try eggs...they're yummy...and scramble them up in olive oil for a tastier treat that adds good fats.

Plenty of great ideas for eating ... and eating MORE and still losing weight.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How to stop gaining weight

Do you want to stop gaining weight?  Of course you do!  Unless you're a 98 pound high school fresman boy, you want to stop gaining weight.  America is headed toward an obesity epidemic.  But, you don't have to join in.

Stop all that multi-tasking while you're eating.  No tv, no phone, no iPad.  Just eat and enjoy it.  And you'll stop the mindless eating and overconsumption that cause unwanted weight gain. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Want to lose weight fast?

Of course you do!

And, you want to be smart (and safe) about it.

So, take some tips.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What do I Weigh?

172.  Sometimes 171.  And one day last week, 169.5.

I'm at or below 172 EVERY SINGLE DAY!

It's not rocket science.  I worked to get down here, and I work to stay.  I walk 1-2 miles every day during work.  I do some weight training.  AND I watch what I eat... limiting sweets is number one.  Drinking lots of water is number 2.  And - NOT denying myself treats is number 3.  I've tried the denial path before...and it sucks.  Plus, it makes me CRAVE sweets and then, I go crazy. 

And that WAS the problem.  I'd try to be disciplined and not eat ANY sweets at all ever.  Then, I'd have a piece of cake for lunch one day b/c I'd "been good."  Then, I'd want more sweets.  Then, I'd weigh "ok" and eat more the next day.  Or have a fried chicken lunch ...

Giving in once started a cycle of crazy.

So, now, I have something SWEET every single day.  And guess what, my blood sugar is lower than it ever has been -- because I'm not going through spikes and lows.  And, I'm exercising 5 days a week, 6 if you count mowing the lawn.  Sometimes, I'll have two cookies and some milk at night.  Sometimes, a cup of sugar free pudding.  On Fridays, I usually get a donut with my coffee before work. 

Something sweet and wonderful every day.  And some exercise.  And everyday, I weigh 172 ...or less.  I'm betting that when I start training for the half marathon again, I'll drop to 170.  Which is fine.  Or, I may eat a little more (running makes me hungry) and keep the 172.  That's fine, too. 

I'm now going on 7 months with this success.  Nothing motivates like feeling good.  And I feel great!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How am I 4 pounds lighter than last year?

Today, I weigh 171 pounds.

Last year, on the exact same day, I weighed 175.  And probably felt pretty good about it.  But, since my 3rd half marathon in April, I've been at or under 173. 

I have lots of pairs of pants that are 36 waist.  But, recently have bought some 35 waist pants at places like Banana Republic and Gap and I'm considering going to a 34 waist.  I don't want my pants to look out of place... or ill-fitting.  But I don't want them too big, either.

How am I doing it?

Cutting out extra sweets. 

NOTE:  NOT all sweets.  But, I used to eat something sweet all the time.  At lunch, I'd eat my meal and some cookies.  For a mid-afternoon break, I'd have something chocolate, like M&Ms.  At night, I'd have more cookies or some other kind of treat.  On at least a couple mornings of the week, my coffee would come with a donut. 

Sugar turns to fat if not used.  Period.

So, sure, I was running.  But, I was also consuming way more sugar than my body could burn.

Now, I may have something sweet once a day.  I pass on extra sweets and only have a donut with coffee a couple times a month. 

Exercise helped me get to around 175-176.  But cutting out the sweets really tipped the scale (pun?) ... And, I can do more pushups... 22 or more without stopping ...on my way to 30, I hope.  And I very RARELY have knee pain.  My knees used to hurt, esp. after running...but I know it is because I was carrying extra weight. 

Now, I'm moving toward "right-sized" and it feels great.  I may never get into 32 waist pants.  And don't need to.  34 is fine.  Keeping the fat around my waist at a minimum and losing my moobs has done wonders for my confidence.  Not to mention that as I approach 40, I want to be on top of my weight ... to protect my heart and ensure I can do all the things I want with my child.

4 pounds lighter than last year.  4 pounds may not seem like much.  But it means a lot.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

More protein?

How can I get some more protein in my diet? I feel like I'm constantly struggling with Hints?

By the way, my weight today is 172.5

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back up...

I'm at 173.5

I miss 172

and 170 even more.

Lots of busy time at work ... which means stress...which means strange eating...which means weight gained.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Starting the week.. 172.  Not bad.  But a few days at 170 was certainly nice.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How does 170 feel?

it feels GREAT!  Now to shape and tone a bit... which may add a pound or 3, but as long as I'm at 172 as a max, I'm good.  Very good.

Monday, August 6, 2012

10 days in a row...

... at a weight of 172 ...some days, 171 or 171.5.  A new normal? I sure hope so.

My goal has been to get from a high of 185 down to 172.  sure, only 13 pounds.  But on a 5'8" frame, 13 pounds is a lot. 

It changes how I my clothes I look.  And I feel more energized, more confident, less tired all the time.  And I know it has to be because I'm not carrying around 13 extra pounds all the time.

I'm going to keep posting is been a long time and a lot of posts, but I want to keep it off (the weight)and if by telling my story, I can be of help to others, even better!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How good does it feel?

To weigh 172 every single day this week?  GREAT!

As anyone reading this regularly knows, my goal weight is 172.  I've hit it and stayed for 4 straight days.  Actually, my weigh-in today was 171.5.  I LOVE it.  Sure, my pants are feeling a bit loose.  But, that's not bad.  In fact, it is far better than the opposite. 

I'm focused.  I'm walking every day.  I'm watching my sugar intake.  Upping my protein.  And I feel amazing.  I'm also not believing I used to weigh 10-12 pounds more than this.  I can't imagine what I must have looked like at 185. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Why You're Not Losing Weight?

Well, maybe you are snacking too much.  Or NOT keeping a weight loss journal.  Or just not exercising. 

Here are 10 tips from RealAge on how to get back on the weight loss track. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eat Fat, Get Thin!

That's right! According to this, eating the right kinds of fat (lean beef, olive oil, almonds), will help keep you THIN!

Choose Starbucks

Because the drinks at McDonald's will make you super fat...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weight Loss Myths

RealAge says there are three myths they can bust: 

1) eat mini meals throughout the day -- turns out, this just makes you hungry all the time

2) use small plates -- you just fill up the small plate twice...or, make it extra full -- better to measure OR gain discipline over your portions

3) your diet plan matters -- guess what? If you're on a diet you like, just stick to it.  That's it.  Stay discplined.

So, eat less, exercise more...and find a diet that you can make a lifestyle -- because if you can't stick to it, it won't work.

Stand Up to Stay Fit?

That's what this article suggests.

Instead of sitting down for long periods of time, this article suggests we stand up more ... a lot more.

Your thoughts?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The answer is...

...YES! I can fit into 35 waist pants.  Since about 2003, I've worn 36 waist pants, up from 34 at that time, of course.  For about 8 years, I was at or over 180 pounds.  Most of it in my mid-section.  The extra weight, anyway. 

I didn't think much about it until I went to the beach once and saw a picture.  Even then, I didn't do much until my doctor told me my sugar was slightly high.  Not terrible, he said, but since both my parents are diabetic, and I was only 34 at the time, something to be worried about. 

I started running and have since completed three half marathons.  The feeling is amazing -- and the discipline to train is rewarding as well. 

More importantly, my sugar and cholesterol levels are just as they should be. 

And, my pants have been fitting pretty loosely of late.  And I've been wondering if I could go down a size or two. 

A couple years ago, I bought a pair of 34 waist jeans.  I was still weighing 176-178.  And they were tight and looked strange.

But two weeks ago, I bought a pair of 35 waist pants.  When I woke up today and the scale said 173, I thought I'd try them.  They fit.  Rather nicely, I might add.  I'm looking forward to ditching them at some point for some 34s.  But for now, it feels great to be a 35. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

How to lose weight on vacation...

So, it is summer.  Vacations abound.  Down time becomes more available.  And that means travel.  Adventure.  Fun.  And FOOD!  So, of course, you gain weight on vacation, right?  You indulge, add a few pounds, and then worry about it later, right?

OR, you could LOSE weight on vacation.

In fairness, I just took a vacation.  A full week with my family.  And I LOST weight while doing so.  Here's the run down.  The morning I left for vacation, I weighed 174.  The day after vacation (back home), I weighed 173.5.  So yeah, not a big weight loss.  But, some.  AND, no weight gain.  Because while it may seem easy, sometimes that extra pound or three you picked up on the beach can stick around for a week, a month, or more.

So, how do you lose weight (or at least maintain) while on vacation?

Here are some tips:

1) Bring your own snacks.  This will also save you money.  We made brownies with pumpkin, a slight modification of this idea from Snack Girl.  They were delicious.  We knew we would indulge, and chocolate is wonderful, right?  So, whip out a healthier brownie and enjoy.  Our 6-year-old loved them.  We didn't tell her they were made from pumpkin.  I also added a teaspoon of vanilla for a bit of extra wonderful flavor, by the way.  If you bring your own snacks, you can control the calorie content.  And, you can add nutrition.  Plus, you won't be tempted to stop and get snacks when you stop for gas.  These were great and helped us stay happy. 

2) Never stop moving.  Ok, Ok.  It IS vacation.  So of course, you want to relax.  But also, MOVE.  I'm normally a runner, but I didn't run on vacation.  I did SWIM, though.  Yes, yes.  I played in the ocean.  Sure, I watched my child have fun.  But, I also swam.  I didn't just sit by the pool and drink beer (easy calories and an easy way to pack on pounds).  I did make myself swim just a few laps at the pool before we left each night.  And, while I certainly enjoyed floating a bit and just sitting in the sun, I also swam in the ocean.  Also, one of our favorite family sports is outlet shopping.  So, we walked. All over.  Walking was nice ... together as a family, talking, laughing, and sharing.  Plus, we burned calories.  So, don't miss a chance to try a new exercise on vacation. 

3) Avoid Alcohol.  Yes, I know.  It's vacation.  But, I watched in amazement as people around me drank beer after beer on the beach followed by evening cocktails at the pool.  Talk about calories.  Wow.  I don't typically drink beer, but I do enjoy a nice bourbon drink from time-to-time.  But, this trip:  NO alcohol.  I indulged in other ways -- with ice cream, for example.  But, not consuming any alcohol meant I wasn't getting a ton of empty calories that would add pounds. 

So, there you go.  Three tips that are reasonably easy ways to help you stay fit (or possibly even lose weight) on vacation. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

And today I weigh...


Down a pound from the last two days and heading into a weekend of austerity as I prepare for vacation.  No eating out until Monday.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My weight today...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Should You Keep a Weight Loss Diary?


I've been keeping a weight loss diary -- mostly on paper, but also on this blog.  On paper, I simply weigh myself every morning Monday-Friday and record the weight.  That's it.  I have a weight chart going back to 2010 when I first began training for a half marathon. 

I also often post my weight here on this blog.  Today's weight, for example, is 175.  That's 1/2 pound less than the same day last year. 

I started out above 180 (really, around 183) and have in the last two years, hit 173 at the peak of my training for a half marathon in April.  So, I figure I've lost about 9-10 pounds and kept it off.  I'd like to hit 172 or even 170.  I don't want (or need) to be much smaller than that. 

I feel great. 

But, one key for me has been keeping a diary of how much I weigh every day.  It lets me know if I'm getting off track or doing well.  It helps me track the behaviors and foods that cause me to go up or down in weight. 

And over the last year, it has shown that discipline, exercise, and some very small diet shifts are making a big difference in how much I weigh and how I feel. 

Having the diary means my weight is not just speculation.  It's real.  I can see it written down.  So, I know that what I'm doing is working.  I don't just FEEL thinner, I AM actually smaller than I was in 2010 and the five years pior to that.  Really, from 2003 to 2010, I weighed around or just above 180.  And I thought that was ok.  Until I got down below 175 and stayed there.  And felt a relief in the pain I had in my left knee.  And felt like I looked good in my clothes.  And didn't feel sick or bloated or gross.

So, YES, keep a weight loss diary.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I weigh 175.

I'm at a place where I want to weigh 172 -- and I want to be more toned/defined.  I'd like to lift weights, gain muscle, and stay around 172. 

Not sure how possible that is.  I know that by building muscle, I'll burn more fat.  And lean muscle mass may add some pounds.  So, I suppose it is a tradeoff.  I have to balance what I'm eating with my workout goals so I get the shape I want.  It's nice to be (typically) below 175.  But now, I'd like to add some good shape to my frame. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eat Shit, Feel Like Shit

So, I inadvertently tried an experiment last week.  Here's how it went:

I tried eating crackers for lunch everyday.  And a snack of some sort (cookies, star crunch, etc.) Then a protein bar for lunch.  And usually a normal dinner (I ate out 4 times last week - unusual, but true).

I felt horrible.  I was on the toilet a lot ... and not pleasantly.

And I was reminded:  This is how I used to feel.  All the time.  I used to eat little or no breakfast, have peanut butter crackers for lunch with a coke, have a candy bar for a 3 PM snack, and some kind of frozen pizza or something for dinner.

I felt edgy, lethargic, gross.

Even though I was thin, I wasn't healthy. 

Then, after 30, I would sometimes go weeks or months on a "money-saving" plan of eating crackers or whatever for lunch and a lighter dinner.  And I gained weight.  More than I needed to.  And, I still felt bad. Worse, even. 

Why?  I ate horrible foods... I ate the "snack" lunch a couple days and then gave in and went to the KFC buffet.  Or, I'd eat cookies ALL day and get a sugar high and feel terrible. 

Then, a couple years ago, I started training for a half marathon.  The first year, I was slowish and didn't lose that much weight.

Now, I eat a regular lunch -- a lot of times, it's a subway sandwich and a diet coke.  Sometimes, it's a cheeseburger and a diet coke. 

I've cut out extra desserts and may go days without one.  I eat normal dinners.  With a meat of some sort, vegetables, and some fruit.

I feel GREAT.  I feel like I'm eating MORE and I weigh less.  My weight is 2 pounds from an "ideal" weight for my height. 

I don't eat shit, so I don't feel like shit.  My bowel movements are regular.  I feel good.

But last week, eating crackers and junk, I felt horrible.  I'm still getting better even after a weekend of normal eating.  Interestingly, I ate normally all weekend (and ate more food) and I weigh less today than I did any day last week.

Today I Weigh?


And I feel good about it.  I wear slim fit shirts now and they fit great.  I have more energy. 

I have maintained a weight around 173 for over a year now.  It is hard to believe I used to weigh 183-185.  That I felt good when I saw 179 on the scale.  I know it is only 10 pounds, but it is a big deal to me in terms of how I feel and my life going forward. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Got Moobs?

If you're a guy with boobs... man boobs... moobs, you probably want them gone. 

So, here are some tips from Men's Health.

What's the weight today?

After a marathon week of not running, attending events and parties, and eating dessert every night, I weigh 174. 

That's what I weighed all last week.  I did spend some time working in the yard, walked 25 minutes, and did 10 minutes of weight-lifting last night.  But, I've eaten more than I should on almost every day this week.  If I keep that up, I'll be above 175 soon.  Very soon.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

today's weight...

after day after day of too much sugar -- 175.

Two pounds too much. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Too Much Sugar?

Yes, sugar can be the enemy of MANY weight loss plans.  Sugar is good.  In limited quantities, it is good for you.  But too much can tax your system, make you feel sluggish, and be converted to fat.  Unless you exercise, sugar should be kept to a minimum.

But, what if you go to a party.  Or, like me, have a special event on Saturday, a celebration on Sunday, an office party on Monday, and a birthday on Tuesday.  Well, you eat sugar.  Lots. 

What to do?

1) DRINK lots of water.  This does help flush your system.  Yes, you will pee a lot more.  But you will also help push some sugar out of your system.

2) Exercise more.  If you normally take a 30 minute walk each day, walk for 45 minutes the day after you consume extra sugar.  This will help you burn extra will help keep you from storing the sugar.

3) Get back on track.  Two or three days of excess sugar can create habits.  Habits like eating more sugar every day (which is how I gained weight to begin with).  So, stay on track.  Be disciplined.  Get back to the daily eating habits that are helping you lose weight or at least maintain a newly found healthy weight.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I can't get to 85... Yesterday, 57.  I'm going to focus on 60 grams a day for now and then gradually try to add on.

I weigh 174 and have for most of the last two weeks.  I'm trying to get to 171.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today's protein update...

Well, I weighed-in at 172.5 -- just 1.5 pounds from my goal of 171.  Yes, 171 is my goal.  My doctor told me I am in GREAT health overall -- and that if I can 171, I'll be "perfect."  So, I'm trying to get down to 171.

And, I'm focusing on protein.  I had an additional 22 grams of protein last night upon going home.  Putting my total at 59 for the day.  Just short of 60.  And well short of the 85 that is my target.  Let's get to 60+ first, and then go from there. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Total Protein Now...

37 grams.  That's 17 for breakfast (yogurt plus a Macchiato) and 20 for lunch... a 6 inch spicy italian sub at subway.

To get to 85, I'm still going to need a lot more.  I know I can get 15-20 at dinner (47) and 10 for a snack (chocolate milk) -- but that's still less than 60 for the day.

And another day...

and I weigh 174.

Protein experiment is going ok.

Today, I'm at 17 grams.  Didn't get my Belvita biscuits b/c it was a hurried morning.  So, it's been yogurt and a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato.  Lunch is coming up.  So, we'll get some more there.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How's it going with protein?

Well, first:  I weigh 173 today.  After 5 consecutive days at 174.  Of course, in addition to a protein focus, I've been running and doing light weight lifting the last couple days.

Next, yesterday's protein count was 46 grams -- 39 short of my goal.  How in the world can I get 85 grams of protein in a day?

I know I could eat a small can of tuna for lunch and get 18 grams...add in some pretzels and I'd hit 21 just at lunch, so there's a start.  I can see getting to 60+ grams, but 85 seems tough.

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Protein

I had a snack.  7 grams of protein in the cold, bottled Mocha Frappucino (Starbucks) and 2 in the chocolate pretzels.  So, 30 today so far.  I need 55 before bed to hit 85.  I doubt I'll hit it.

4 More Grams!

So, I'm eating Lance Cracker Creations 5 Grain Peanut Butter crackers as my lunch.  It's got 4 grams of protein. 

I believe that brings my total for today up to 21 grams. 

Not enough. 

The last 5 days...

... I've weighed 174 each day.  That's one pound over my half marathon weight... and 2 pounds over my goal of 172.

I'm actually working on a new goal:  170.

And, I'm working on doing it via protein and exercise.

That is, I will attempt to consume half my goal weight in protein (grams) each day.  So, 85 grams of protein.

This is actually more challenging than it might sound.  First, I want the protein to be lean.  Next, protein makes you feel full, so eating more than I'm used to (I'm estimating I get close to 45-50 grams a day now) becomes a challenge.

That said, I'm trying it out.  So, you can watch and see how it goes.

Today so far:  1 cup of yoplait fat free yogurt (6 grams) and 1 Grande caramel Macchiato at Starbucks (11 grams).  Total protein:  17 grams. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I'm 174.  Yep.  That's it.

It's been a while, I know.  I ran again Sunday for the first time since the half marathon.  Walked and did some weights last night...

Want to hit 173...then 172. 

And then hold. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

On the 3rd day of May..

...I weigh 174.

Not bad. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First day of May!

and I weigh 174.

Last year, It was 176.

It's because I didn't go crazy with food post-race. 

So, here I am.

172 as a daily norm is not too far off. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

The race is over, now what?

Well, I ran 13.1 miles on Saturday.  My third half marathon in 3 years.  I ran it in 2 hours, 29 minutes.  Just 2 minutes SLOWER than last year. 

My pre-race weight was 173.5 -- exactly the same as last year's. 

However, post-race, I was not quite as indulgent.  I slept more and ate less -- though I did have a fabulously good meal on Saturday evening. 

As such, my weight today is 174. 

Only a half pound gained as I focus on balance. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How has my weight been?

I was at 172.5 yesterday and 171.5 today... I should hit my target of 171 by Saturday (or Friday) just in time to be the lightest I've been before a half marathon.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pizza and Cookies...

mean a weigh-in of 174 this morning.

Yep, an office lunch can ruin your weight maintenance plan... Fortunately, I'm running a 5K tomorrow, so hopefully, that'll help me...

But... that third piece of pizza...bad news!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today's post...

I weigh 173

yep. Still hanging out there... 1 week and 2 days away from the race... and of course, I've got a 5K on Saturday... we'll see if I hit 171


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can exercise help with allergies?


Because, according to RealAge it: "enhances mood, sleep, immunity, and energy levels" sure, it won't make you NOT allergic -- but it will make your symptoms much more tolerable.

My weight today...


Still hovering in the 172-173 range. Running a 5K saturday... we'll see.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Weight Today is...


I'm moving toward my race day weight of 171.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's my weight today?


That's after a weekend of normal meals and a 6 mile run last night.

I'm betting I'll weigh-in at 171 on half-marathon day next weekend.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

8 Ways to Lose Weight and Lower Cholesterol

you know you want to know.

So, here you go...from our friends at RealAge.

Eat Protein, Burn Fat

yep. It is THAT easy. Protein makes you feel full, so you eat less. It's also essential to muscle-building...and muscle helps burn calories...and burn them faster than fat cells.

Some foods to try: yogurt, peanut butter-stuffed celery, nuts, and skinless chicken.

These foods taste great and are good for you.

Plus, you'll end up weighing less...or, in my case, maintaining your goal weight.

Some weight loss tips...

from our sister site.

About vitamins...b12 and cayenne fruit, specifically.

Why do I post my weight daily?


Ok, I don't post my weight every single day. But I do post it frequently as an accountability measure.

That's how this all got started. Me posting my weight to keep track of where I am on my journey. More importantly, the knowledge that my weight was public motivated me to make it work.

Now that I'm very near my goal weight of 170, I keep posting. One, to show that I'm serious about getting there. Two, to show that losing weight at all levels can be a struggle -- but, that it can be conquered.

Along the way, I've gained some tips and tricks for losing some weight and for keeping it off. I share those here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 GREAT low carb snacks...

i've even tried some of these.

And one of them includes BACON!

check it out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today's Weight


On this date last year, I weighed 176.

I'm coming in at 4 pounds lighter and I haven't weight at or near 175 in quite some time.

My half marathon is coming up at the end of the month and it seems likely that my training will result in a race day weight close to or at 170.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lose Weight With Fish, Nuts, and Honey!

it's true!

And it's fun... and it's been around a long, long time.

Here's some detail.

The bottom line... these foods are packed with nutrients, are good for you, and can help you stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

Be sure they are natural, wild caught, and organically grown for the maximum benefit with minimum chemical influence...

And Today...

after Easter, I weigh 173.5.

Yes, I ate a healthy and substantial Easter dinner...and I didn't run (or walk), my weight went up a bit.

I should be back on track today. And I'm just a few weeks away from a half-marathon, so as my training picks up a bit, I'm sure to shed a few pounds.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Broiled BBQ Salmon

Yep, Broiled BBQ Salmon -- a super healthy meal that tastes great. It is simple and fast to make, pairs well with salad or steamed broccoli, is low-calorie and high in protein.

Here's the deal:

I make this with my standard BBQ rub. Here's how I make the rub:

1/4 brown sugar
3 TBS paprika
Garlic powder
Coarse Sea Salt
Celery Salt
Crushed mustard seed
black pepper
onion powder
(if you like it a little spicier, you may add red pepper)
Other than the brown sugar and paprika, there are no measurements...use what you like to achieve the taste you want... you may like it spicier, etc.

The first two ingredients are key, in my opinion, to forming a solid base.

So, make this rub.

Apply it to salmon filets - (YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE ALL THE RUB on the filets) -- you should have lots leftover unless you are making a bunch of salmon. The rub can be used on lots of meats, so keep it around.

Place filets on broiling pan and BROIL for 10-12 minutes in oven.

Remove and serve.

It's that damn simple.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pepsi Next is going to keep you fat...

...or, it's at least not going to help.

That is, the folks over at Fooducate don't like it very much.

But, it DOES have 60% less sugar...and, I'll admit, I tried one the other day. It tastes almost exactly like a real Pepsi. Not like the over-sweetened (artificially) Diet Pepsi.

I drink Diet Coke b/c I can't like Diet Pepsi. It's just too much.

Before I switched to Diet drinks, I was a Pepsi fan.

In some ways, Pepsi Next seems dangerous to me. That is, me personally. Because I like it... and because I LOVE real Pepsi and this is just like it.

Which means I may be tempted to go from a lunch drink of Diet Coke (zero calories) to Pepsi Next (60 calories).

I know, I know. Diet drinks are supposed to be bad for you and change the way your body responds to and CRAVES sweet tastes...but I also really like a diet coke with lunch. And always with Mexican food.

I'll probably keep on drinking Diet Coke for now -- and save the Pepsi Next for a special event (like a football party) when I'd otherwise indulge and go for full-on Pepsi.

But, at least you know... Pepsi Next has its detractors.

Today's Weight


Holding steady since my return from a week away.

Running some and feeling great -- being a few pounds lighter really helps the pressure on my knee.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Today's weight...


That's it, really.

Back home. Not traveling. And definitely running the last two nights. And I'm 172.5.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Eat Soup, Lose Weight

It really is THAT simple.

Eat more soup -- especially the kind with LOTS of veggies...and YOU lose weight.


Lose weight while traveling...



Nope, I don't have some sneaky new weight loss trick. I'm not recommending a pill.

I'm saying: When you travel, pay attention to what you eat.

I just took a one week trip for work. Before I left, I weighed 172. Today, I weigh 172. This in spite of being out of my weekly food routine.

Yes, a food routine sounds boring -- but it can help you maintain a healthy weight.

I traveled alone, so there was ZERO accountability for what I ate.

No one was watching or encouraging me to be good.

But -- I took note. If I had donuts for breakfast and a larger than usual lunch, I ate a light dinner.

I tried to balance out my "splurges." So yes, I had fun. Yes, I had a big margarita one night. But I also didn't have anything for dessert that night.

Traveling can be a weight gain trap. So, you have to watch it -- you don't want to come back from your trip 5-7 pounds heavier and have to spend extra time working off your vacation -- or, worse, only losing 1-2 pounds and ending your vacation more relaxed but permanently fatter.

Yes, have fun! Indulge! But keep track of what you eat and your weight goals!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Walking vs. Running to maintain your weight!

I walk now every single day for at least 1-2 miles. I make myself walk to a set location that is nearly one mile from my office every work day. Then, of course, I have to walk back.

So, even though I'm also a runner...and run 3-5 nights a week... walking is the KEY to my weight maintenance.

Before I started daily walking, my weight was 4-6 pounds higher than now.

Lately, I've been maintaining a healthy weight by ensuring that I walk. Every day. It probably takes a total of 25 minutes to go to the library (the building I walk to) and back. Of course, usually, I go and look around or even sit down and rest for a bit... just to be out of the office. Then walk back.

Running is awesome for a variety of benefits -- and it really helps take the weight off -- esp. when I'm training for a race -- but walking every day doesn't take too much time and helps me maintain a good weight -- so that the next time I start a training schedule, I'm not 5 pounds heavier than I need to be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Drink Starbucks, Keep the Weight Off

Well, if you're smart about it, that's possible.

I drink a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato 4 times a week...and have still maintained my now 9+ pound weight loss.

First, I limit myself to ONE Starbucks on any given day.

Second, I only get them on 4 or sometimes 5 days a week.

Third, I don't get the souped up extra sugary White mocha or other high-calorie syrups...of course, there is needless sugar in the caramel macchiato...but still

It is definitely possible to drink Starbucks and keep the weight off

Today's weight: 172

Monday, March 19, 2012

How to maintain your weight loss

Well, I'm at 171.5.

I've lost and kept off about 6 pounds since January 2nd.

More to the point, my average daily weight is about 10 pounds less than it was a year ago.

How am I keeping the weight off?

Discipline. Exercise. And smart food choices.

First, I'm determined that 172 is my maximum weight. I got down to 172 last year just before I ran a half marathon -- and I felt great. I stayed at 172-173 all summer. Of course, by fall, with less running, I gained. Not too much, but I gained.

Then, I set a goal of getting down to 170 by February 29th of this year. And I did it.

I weigh myself every morning M-F (I don't worry about the weekend because I don't want to stress too much).

If I weigh 172, that means NO treats that day. AT all. This takes discipline, especially if someone at the office has brought in donuts.

Next, I exercise. Last week, I ran three miles on Tuesday and again on Wednesday and Thursday. Then, I ran 4.5 miles yesterday. At least twice a week, I add some basic resistance training to the mix.

Running 3 miles takes me about 30 minutes and I run outside, so that's great, too. The point being, you don't have to spend TONS of time exercising.

I also sleep MUCH better when I'm running regularly.

So, maintain your weight loss by watching your weight daily, monitoring your intake of calories, and exercising. If you stop or decrease your exercise, as I did last fall, you WILL gain weight back.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Can Clothes Make You Fat?

The wrong ones certainly can, yes!

If you feel too comfortable, you won't notice you're gaining weight, says the experts over at RealAge.

It makes sense, really. If you are wearing loose-fitting shirts and stretchy pants, you don't notice a couple extra pounds.

On the other hand, if you wear clothes with a certain waist size and a button, you'll start to notice if you gain more than a couple pounds. And if you have to go up a size, you might be in trouble.

Can you drink Starbucks and lose weight?


Now, don't get me wrong, you can't just drink a bunch of Starbucks coffee drinks and then lose weight.

But, you can drink Starbucks and still lose weight.

A Caramel Macchiato is pretty healthy - just over 300 calaries in a Grande, 11 grams of protein... so, not bad as a breakfast along with some whole grain toast and a piece of fruit.

So yeah, take that Starbucks and drink it. Just avoid MOST of the treats they have in that little case near the register.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Up up and up.

I went to 174 -- call it March Madness. Or Spring Break for my daughter.

But I'm out of routine... and that means I'm gaining a bit of weight.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lose Weight and Look Great...

by doing aerobics and resistance training.

Here's the story from RealAge.


after a delicious weekend... 172.

Friday, March 9, 2012


so, I'm holding at 171.

I'm going to try eating MORE vegetables next week...

I'm not a big vegetable fan...but, I like sweet potatoes, green beans, and broccoli. I've thought about making that a meal.

I've also thought about meatless dinners for Monday-Thursday... we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Take the Stairs


I've started parking in a location that requires I walk up two lengthly flights of concrete stairs. It's great training for the half marathon I'll be running April -- and it tightens my leg muscles and even helps build a strong core (think: hard abs).

so, take the stairs!

Also, today's weight is 171.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The first full week of March...

...and I'm starting at 170.5!

Which means I'm maintaining at (very near, actually) my goal weight!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today's the DAY!

My goal as of Jan. 2, 2012 was to lose 6 pounds and weigh-in at 170 by February 29th.

As you know, I hit 170 for a couple days last week after a stomach illness. Then, back up to 172.

Today's weight? 170.5.

5.5 pounds lower than what I weighed and just .5 pounds away from my goal. I'm considering this a success!

I'd like to stay at or very near 170 -- with a max weight of 172. Perhaps I'll get down to 168 and give myself some flexibility. I know my running will increase as I get closer to a half marathon in late April, so that should cause some additional weight loss.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Three days.. 172...the new normal. CRAZY to me... that this was my race day weight in 2011 and it's my "high" weight in 2012.

Back to normal eating and working...and maintaining 172. I'm sure as my distance ramps up in preparation for a half marathon I'll drop some more pounds...perhaps even see a weight in the high 160s.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


it's back to 172 -- my official "max" weight...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once Again...

... I weigh 171.5.

Still maintaining under 172.

I plan to run at least 3 miles tonight, so I'm hoping that helps.

Since I've been feeling better (not sick), I've been eating more..but also been able to exercise, so I'm hoping the two balance out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Want to burn fat?

Of course you do!

Here's one plan that may be just what you need!

After a weekend...

I weigh today 171.5

That's after a week of being sick ...and a weekend of recovery and normal eating. And a three-mile run yesterday.

I need to get to 170 and maintain it...without the aid of sickness... so, this is the week...deadline is Feb. 29th.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And finally!

I have HIT my goal weight... 170!


I have not weighed 170 in YEARS... probably at least 10 years.

I cannot believe it.

It took some discipline... and I can't believe it took this much time...but I did it!

Now, the key is to maintain with 172 being the maximum I allow myself to weigh.

By the way, I feel GREAT at 170. LOVE it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

After a few days...

...of being sick... I weigh 170.5.

I wouldn't recommend this as a weight loss approach...but... it has kept me disciplined and made me even MORE aware of what I'm eating.

I'll probably go back up to 172 after I get back to eating normal food.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

today's weight...


that's all.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Ok. This is the first time I believe I've been able to write down a number under 172 since I've been keeping this blog.

And 171.5 is just 1.5 pounds above my goal weight of 170 -- remember, I'm running a half marathon in April... and I want to be at 170 so I can run with less stress on my knees...and ideally, finish faster.

How did I get here?

1) Chronicling my weight. I keep track M-F so I know what I weigh

2) Using that information -- knowing what I weigh and tracking what I eat helps me know when I can "splurge" and have a dessert and when I need to hold back... it also helps me monitor problem foods - those that make my weight go up.

3) Exercise. I'm committed to exercising ... lifting weights, running, walking... at least 5 days a week... and it's paying off. Instead of feeling "too tired" or saying "it's too cold to run" I've found ways to push myself... and if it's too cold to run outside, I can do pushups and weights indoors... And when I do, and see results like this, it's motivating.

Friday, February 10, 2012

today's weight?


3 more pounds to go!

I feel's still winter and I'm at what was my spring weight in 2011.

I LOVE feeling like my clothes fit well, that I look good... that I'm at least somewhat in shape... and it also makes me realize that at weights of 10-12 pounds higher than this, I felt bad, looked not so good, and my clothes definitely didn't fit right...

THIS feeling is motivation to maintain!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


and: just as a refresher, this is my personal weight loss diary.

Like most people, I'm trying lose a moderate amount of weight and then maintain myself at a healthy weight.

I was weighing 181 or more (max of 185) when I started chronicling.

It's taken some time, but I'm in the low 170s. My goal is to weigh 170 with a max weight of 172.

I'll post my weight every week day and then also post tips for losing weight.

I know most of us want to lose SOME weight -- most people are not super-fat and most people resolve each year to lose 5, 10, 15 pounds.

This is MY attempt to show how that happens... at least for me. And my hope is that it will help others who wish to lose some weight and then, more importantly, maintain a healthy weight.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I weigh 173

Last year, I weighed 173 the week before I ran a half marathon in late April. And 172 the day before.

But, lately, I've been hanging out in the 174 range -- and it's early February.

So, I fully anticipate reaching my goal of 170 by Feb. 29th -- and possibly racing this year at a weight in the high 160s... I'm betting that will improve my time! and I'll feel great, too!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

and today...

I weigh 174 -- 4 pounds away from what I hope to weigh on Feb. 29.

Monday, February 6, 2012

What's the weight today?


not bad. and I'm drinking more and more water... so, that may help...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's today's weight?

176...that's what I get for bragging about 174.5 yesterday.

It's also what I get for eating Chinese food for lunch. But it was quite good!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Want to Reduce Belly Fat?

First, you need to know the facts about it...

Does Planning Help You Lose Weight?


I weigh 174.5 this morning -- I weighed 176 on Friday.

I weighed 173.5 last Monday.

Why? Because I now have a very "planned" weekend diet -- that includes eating out Friday evening, eating in all day on Saturday, including a planned, healthy dinner, and eating a brunch on Sunday of eggs, bacon, and wheat toast followed in the evening by a light dinner of yogurt and a whole wheat English muffin.

It's planned... it's healthy and I don't feel hungry.

Meanwhile, during the week, I've been doing less planning -- I go to work with no clear plan of what I'll eat -- while my breakfast of yogurt, coffee, and starbucks caramel macchiato is pretty consistent, I otherwise have very little in the way of a plan.

And so, Monday-Friday last week, my weight increased... despite a high level of activity on those days. I didn't know what I would eat, so I ate whatever... and that was not usually good.

Plan your meals, lose (or at least maintain) your weight.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wrong Direction

...But I still feel good at 176.

I started this week at 173.5 -- due to a light eating day on Sunday and some running (plus, possibly, b/c I upped my intake of tea last week).

But now, I'm at 176.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today's Weight


Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Drinking Tea Really Working?

I'm not sure if it is the tea... but, it's a Monday and I weigh 173.5.

I drank tea at night (Chai Tea) 3 times last week and then had tea (iced) with dinner on Saturday and Sunday.

This has done two things: it has reduced my consumption of diet soda and increased my consumption of antioxidant rich tea -- it also makes me feel more relaxed.

Supposedly, tea has catechins which aid in boosting metabolism -- tea drinkers tend to have lower body fat content than non-tea drinkers.

I'm trying it out.

First, I love tea -- it's refreshing and the caffeine content is much lower than coffee or most diet soda.

Second, it does take some planning... I need to have tea made to consume. And for hot tea, there's water to boil and then 5-7 minutes for steeping. But, it seems to be worth it.

I'm going to keep drinking the tea more deliberately...and I'll report my results here.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

another day...more tea

yep, I had a cup of tea last night -- about 7 oz. of warm chai tea, lightly sweetened. It seems to help ease the nasal congestion that impacts my throat around this time of year.

We'll see soon if it helps give my metabolism the boost.

Today, I'm weighing 175.

I have for years told people I weighed 175 -- because I thought saying a number higher than that would make me sound fat...but really, I weighed 178, 180, even 185.

Even now, when I look in the mirror, I think I'm a bit overweight...which makes me think about how I must have looked at 185...ugh.

But, happier times since 2011 -- and happier into 2012... from 175 to 172 to 170?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can drinking tea help you lose weight?

That's what my wife says.

But, she didn't make it up.

There's a study out that establishes a relationship between tea drinkers and weight loss.

Apparently, tea (black, green, oolong) has catechins -- which help boost metabolism. (no, it's not JUST the caffeine).

And, tea drinkers are significantly less likely to be overweight compared to their non-drinking peers.

Of course, you have to have at least one 8 oz. serving of tea at least 3 times a week to get the benefit.

And, it IS possible that tea drinkers have other healthy lifestyle habits that enable them to lose weight (exercise, better diet).

I like to think that the few minutes I spend drinking a hot cup of tea help me relax...thus, reducing stress and reducing cortisol (which holds fat in your body).

Whatever the case, tea is good for you -- packed with healthy antioxidants -- and, it could help you lose some weight.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Wrong direction.

Even though I ran last night... 3 miles, even.

My weekend consisted of a movie at the theatre on Sunday -- so, popcorn, candy, sprite.

and clearly, it did NOT consist of enough activity to counter-balance.


Luckily, it is quite warm today -- so, I should get in another 3 mile run tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



so, i'm over the 177 hump, I hope.... and heading back down

the gloriously warm weather is making walking...during the day and at night -- much more pleasant!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How did I lose 1.5 pounds in one day?

By not eating cookies!

I love cookies... I love sweets, period. That's my weakness. It's why I went above 180 in the first place... If there were sweets available, I'd eat them... and then a second helping.

At lunch, instead of chips, I get cookies with my Subway sandwich.

But, chronicling my weight lets me know where I stand. And yesterday, I stood at 177. So, I didn't eat a single cookie.

Also, I walked a lot more yesterday because the weather in town was nice -- and, I did a 1.5 mile run as part of my training for a half marathon in April.

So, I'm 175.5 today.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Can Antibiotics Wreck Your Diet?

In my case, YES!!

I've been taking antibiotics for a bacterial infection for the last few days.

My weight today is 177 -- up from 176 at the beginning of the year and 2 pounds up from the 175 I hit last week.

I am STARVED all the time. My stomach is going crazy -- the only thing that helps is when I eat. I'm not having any "stomach upset" or nausea -- just CRAVINGS for all kinds of food.

I have two more days on these pills...then, back to normal, I hope. Wow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

And today's weight...


Also, I ran last night for the first time in a few weeks... I'm now actively training for a half marathon in April.

I ran 1.5 miles last night...not far, but a good "warmup" run.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And I'm back...

at 176.

Just a half pound up from yesterday...

tonight, I'm back to running... just a mile and a half.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

So, what's the verdict?

Well, my January 2nd weight was: 176.

That's one pound higher than my goal of 175.

BUT ... it is also 5 pounds LESS than what I weighed on January 2nd, 2011.

To recap, I started 2011 at 181 -- and then began training for a half marathon that I ran in April. On race day, my weight was 172 -- a loss of 9 pounds over four months (2+ pounds a month). Following the race, I ran off and on -- and maintained a weight of 173-174 through summer.

Since October, I have been up around 175 or 176.

I haven't seen 180 since February of 2011 -- and I'm hoping it will stay that way for a long, long time.

I'm now beginning to train for the April 2012 half marathon. If I can lose just one pound a month during this training, I'll end up at 172 again. But, I'm hoping to do more -- perhaps 9 pounds again -- which would put me below 170 for the first time in at least 10 years. I'll take 167-170 as my "ideal" weight. And, I'm realistic -- if I can maintain a weight of 172 or lower, I'll be happy. I felt GREAT last year at 172 -- I feel very good now in the 175 range.

The one downside - -if I get below 172, I'll probably need to buy a new size of pants... A very good problem to have, I'd say!