Monday, October 15, 2012

What I weigh!

It seems to have been a while since I posted my weight.  So, here it is:  173. 

Not bad.  One pound over the 172 I crave.  But, it is fall.  And, there are more treats, cooler nights, and more temptation to eat.

At least, that's been my experience.  It seems by spring, I can get to a goal weight.  And this summer, I even got below...sometimes hitting 170 or 171. 

And then, fall hits. It gets dark earlier, it gets cool, and I crave an extra coffee or hot cocoa or warm roll.  And I add a couple pounds.  Then, from Halloween to Christmas, I pack on more pounds...candy, Thanksgiving, Holiday parties.  And I start the year well over my goal weight. 

Last year, I started at 179 -- below 180, which was huge.  And gave me only 7 pounds to lose to hit my goal of 172.  I hit 173 the day before I ran a half marathon ... and 172 not long after. 

The year before, I was at 185 and got down to 173 by half marathon time.  Now that I've been in the 172 range for a bit, I like the idea of weighing between 170 and 172.  And I can't believe I ever felt "ok" weighing above 180.  Clearly, too much weight not carried well for me. 

So, today it is 173.  And it is fall.  Walks and weights are in the future.  And we'll see if we can keep it under 175 as the new year approaches.

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