Monday, April 2, 2012

Lose weight while traveling...



Nope, I don't have some sneaky new weight loss trick. I'm not recommending a pill.

I'm saying: When you travel, pay attention to what you eat.

I just took a one week trip for work. Before I left, I weighed 172. Today, I weigh 172. This in spite of being out of my weekly food routine.

Yes, a food routine sounds boring -- but it can help you maintain a healthy weight.

I traveled alone, so there was ZERO accountability for what I ate.

No one was watching or encouraging me to be good.

But -- I took note. If I had donuts for breakfast and a larger than usual lunch, I ate a light dinner.

I tried to balance out my "splurges." So yes, I had fun. Yes, I had a big margarita one night. But I also didn't have anything for dessert that night.

Traveling can be a weight gain trap. So, you have to watch it -- you don't want to come back from your trip 5-7 pounds heavier and have to spend extra time working off your vacation -- or, worse, only losing 1-2 pounds and ending your vacation more relaxed but permanently fatter.

Yes, have fun! Indulge! But keep track of what you eat and your weight goals!

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