Monday, February 13, 2012


Ok. This is the first time I believe I've been able to write down a number under 172 since I've been keeping this blog.

And 171.5 is just 1.5 pounds above my goal weight of 170 -- remember, I'm running a half marathon in April... and I want to be at 170 so I can run with less stress on my knees...and ideally, finish faster.

How did I get here?

1) Chronicling my weight. I keep track M-F so I know what I weigh

2) Using that information -- knowing what I weigh and tracking what I eat helps me know when I can "splurge" and have a dessert and when I need to hold back... it also helps me monitor problem foods - those that make my weight go up.

3) Exercise. I'm committed to exercising ... lifting weights, running, walking... at least 5 days a week... and it's paying off. Instead of feeling "too tired" or saying "it's too cold to run" I've found ways to push myself... and if it's too cold to run outside, I can do pushups and weights indoors... And when I do, and see results like this, it's motivating.

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