Saturday, December 19, 2009


it is here!

20 days into December... and i hit 180


what the hell?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


i hit 180

i even ran last night... well, walked mostly

but i hit it 180


Monday, December 14, 2009


another Monday, another weight below 180

That's right, all of December is below 180 so far!

today's food:

1 caramel latte (2 points)
1 cranberry juice (2 points)
2 Kashi waffles (3 points)

Points used: 7

Points remaining: 22

Saturday, December 12, 2009

today's weight!?

i have no idea

but i'm betting it's below 180

i had 17 points remaining before i ate dinner last night.

Friday, December 11, 2009

another day


every day in December so far, I've weighed below 180

It's a good start to a month that is sometimes difficult

I also know I need to get down to 175 or lower before Christmas to survive what will be a couple days of indulgence

today's food and points values:

1 low-fat caramel latte: 2 points
1 glass of cranberry juice: 2 points
2 Kashi waffles: 3 points

TOTAL: 7 points

Remaining today: 22 points

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

today's weight

179.5 ... yep, below 180 again!

today's points so far:

2 caramel lattes -- 4 points
1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice -- 2 points
1 donut -- 5 points

TOTAL: 11 points

remaining: 18 points

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


1 yoplait fat free yogurt -- 2 points
1 100 calorie pack of almonds 1 point

TOTAL: 3 points

remaining today: 16 points

8 days in a row

below 180

today's weigh-in: 179

today's meals: Breakfast -- cranberry juice, 2 points
latte, 2 points
donut, 6 points

TOTAL: 10 points

Remaining: 19 points

Monday, December 7, 2009

evening meal(s)

soup -- 2 points (chicken, vegetable)

4 point serving of fat free ice cream

unsweetened iced tea

total: 6 points

remain: 9 points

2 point snack

yoplait light fat free yogurt (boston creme pie) -- yum! and 2 points!

15 points remain for today

i'll likely have a latte at a coffee meeting i have soon... and then, chicken soup...

5 points for lunch

Oatmeal prepared with fat free milk -- 4 points
serving of apples (sliced) -- 1 point

TOTAL: 5 points

points remaining today: 17

7th day

under 180

today's weight: 179.5

today's food so far --

BREAKFAST: 1 8 oz glass of Cranberry juice -- 2 points
1 low-fat caramel latte -- 2 points
2 Kashi waffles -- 3 points
Breakfast Total: 7 points

Points remaining: 22

Sunday, December 6, 2009


5 consecutive days below 180.

today's weight: 179.5

today's food:

Breakfast -- 2 low-fat caramel latte's -- 4 points
Kashi Waffles -- 3 points
8 oz glass of cranberry juice - 2 points

TOTAL: 9 points, remain, 20 points

1 100 calorie pack of emerald roasted almonds -- 1 point
1 yoplait fat free yogurt -- 2 points
1 square of cornbread, 3 points
TOTAL: 6 points, remaining -- 14

14 points remain for snack, dinner, dessert... i think i can do it!

Friday, December 4, 2009

lunch today

oatmeal, apples, cornbread, and diet coke

oatmeal: 4 points
apples: 1 point
cornbread: 3 points

total: 8 points!

remaining points today: 14

Today's Weight and...

new developments.

First, my weight this morning was 179. Same as yesterday. I had a big meal last night and no evening run/walk. So, not bad.

On another note, my wife has returned to weight watchers and we are both going to follow their points system.

At my height, weight, and age I am allowed 29 points per day. Plus, you get 35 flex points a week (an average of 5 per day).

So, I'll start recording here what I eat and the points value plus any points remaining. You'll be able to track my progress in terms of total weight and what I'm eating.


1 low-fat caramel latte: 2 points
1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice: 2 points
2 Kashi waffles: 3 points
TOTAL: 7 points

I have 22 points remaining today

Thursday, December 3, 2009


one mocha and one reallybig chocolate chip cookie.

today's weight


up a half pound b/c of a dinner at Olive Garden. I'm actually glad it wasn't MORE than that.

today's food so far:

1 caramel latte
1 bacon egg and cheese biscuit

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


i bowl of oatmeal made with skim milk, 4-5 apple slices, 1 diet coke.

day 2

at 178.5

this morning, i got up at 6:15 and did 10 minutes of weight lifting

i took a 15-minute walk at 9 AM

I have had a caramel latte and a donut

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dinner and...


Dinner was a bowl of turkey chowder -- low fat plus 2 slices of corn bread

i ran/walked 2.5 miles and lifted some light weights

followed-up with an 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

Sugar Overload

Just ate 2 donuts and a grande caramel macchiato for lunch


178.5 is my weight today


1.5 pounds smaller than yesterday

so far today, i've eaten: 1 10 oz low-fat caramel latte, 1 cup of yoplait light fat free yogurt, 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

i'm contemplating lunch...maybe a starbucks lunch?

Monday, November 30, 2009


1 lean beef hamurger, 1 glass of iced tea with splenda

snack: 2 tootsie roll pops

daily activity: house cleaning!

today's weight

my last weigh-in was the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. Weight on 11/25: 180

Today's WEIGHT: 180

That's right. two Thanksgiving meals and a sleepy weekend and I'm at the same weight as BEFORE Turkey Day.

Now, to get back to 175.

by walking, lifting weights, and running.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


dinner: 1 lean beef hamburger w/cheese 1 serving of cole slaw, 1 small helping of seasoned ore-ida fries

2.5 mile walk

still no weigh-in

but i feel lighter

took a 40-minute walk last night

eating lighter today

Saturday, November 28, 2009

thanksgiving weight!

not even weighing-in until tomorrow.

I had TWO Thanksgiving dinners b/c my parents are divorced... one on Thursday and one on Friday... largely the same meal on both days... good food, and lots... and i ate too much twice

today i have eaten yogurt, a latte, a cheeseburger, a 6 inch sub... i'll have a cookie or 2 later... and a long walk

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


1 slice of Sam's Club 3 meat pizza
1 half of a salted Sam's Club pretzel
1 big ass Sprite


Down by 1.5 pounds today. 2.5 pounds away from 175.

today's breakfast: 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

1 10 oz. low-fat caramel latte

1 banana oatmeal muffin

Monday, November 23, 2009

4 days

at the same weight: 179

Today's food so far:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

1 10 0z caramel latte (low-fat)

4 chocolate donut holes

also, i've been intentionally trying to heat more fiber -- at least one meal a day with 6g or more of fiber and then additional fiber in other meals.

I will say this: it keeps me full. It also has made me gassy. But, i'm told that as my body adjusts, i'll have less gas.

Also, individuals who consume a high fiber diet tend to have lower body weight and bmi.

at the very least, i'm sustaining and on my way down after hitting a high of 180.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

And again


3 straight days below 180 and 4 of the last 5.

Heading in the right direction!

Saturday, November 21, 2009



another day below 180

and moving toward 175

though i did have donuts and coffee for breakfast...but, it's saturday

and i'm trying not to be drastic...what i know is that if i go crazy with trying to lose and watch what i eat, i'll crash and give in and eat WAY too much...

Friday, November 20, 2009


1 cup of Kashi GoLEAN Crunch cereal and 1 container of Yoplait Light fat free yogurt

Total protein: 15 grams

Also: 1 ghirardelli chocolate square

and 6 oz of diet coke.

mid-morning snack

handful (2, actually) of almonds

Today's weigh-in


First time in 4 days below 180. Not much, but heading in the right direction.

Breakfast: 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 10-12 oz caramel latte with 2% milk
2 Kashi GoLEAN waffles w/blueberries -- 8 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber

total protein: 12 grams

Thursday, November 19, 2009



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

today's weight...


but what do you expect when you have fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits for dinner?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


179 again

today's agenda:

sensible food, 2 walks, a run, lifting weights...

Monday, November 16, 2009

today's weight


Today's food:

one grande caramel macchiato, one donut, one diet coke, a handful of almonds, and 4 spoons of ice cream.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

today's weight!


yep. i hit 5 pounds over the "emergency" weight of 175.


Friday, November 13, 2009



back to balance

i knew it was temporary...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

today's weight


going down!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

today's weight...

...179. Again.

Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee/latte (non-fat) and 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice. Soon to be followed by a cup of fat free yogurt.

Monday, November 9, 2009


yogurt, peanut m&ms, iced tea (no sugar)


today's weight!


my back hurts ...

my legs are sore from running at least 5 pounds over my "warning" weight

I've gotten comfortable. After hovering at 172-174, I went over 175 by NOT being careful, but indulging too much and too often.

and i feel it. and it feels worse.

How does this happen? I feel great the closer I get to 170, but food tempts me back... and then, when i start getting over 175, i feel sluggish, sleepy, yucky. why don't i remember? and why can't I hit 170?

Friday, November 6, 2009


reaching the high level again...per my typical cycle from halloween to the Christmas holidays...

i have noticed that taking cayenne fruit helps keep my metabolism up... and my weight down...but, it does cause some gastro-intestinal discomfort

Wednesday, October 28, 2009



Monday, October 26, 2009



Thursday, October 8, 2009

today's weight


but, ice cream soon with my daughter!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Tuesday, October 6, 2009



and i'm realizing that for less money each day, i can get a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit at mcdonald's and a coffee ... and save almost $2 plus get some good protein and a filling breaksfast

though the caramel macchiato and donuts also fill me up... less calories, i think, but not as much protein and more carbs

Monday, October 5, 2009


and a walk... plus weights

got to get below 175


i am 1.5 pounds away from 180 -- how did this happen? the rain? food? what?

i don't get it.

my diet.

yep. it is the food

today: 1 grande caramel macchiato, 1 donut -- those things are addictive -- and they go so well together

Friday, October 2, 2009


1 set of lifting (chest press, hammer curls, lunge/shoulder press) and 1.5 mile walk

now, on to lunch -- 1 slice of pizza and a diet mt. dew


man, i got my walking in yesterday chasing around my pre-schooler at the zoo.

Still, i'm 2.5 pounds over my "max weight" ... ouch.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009



and it is not just the number.

when my weight goes over 175, i experience lower backpain and discomfort while sleeping.

i don't like it.

workout, eat less... 2 walks and weights today, for sure

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



2 sausage biscuits at mcdonald's and a medium coffee

Monday, September 28, 2009


I weigh 176

not bad.

I hit 175 yesterday morning, but had a big dinner with pasta/bread and not much working out

i'm back on track.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

today's weight!



3 days in a row!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

today's weight:


back to where i need to be

though i want chocolate... BAD

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


today's weight: 176

getting closer to my "max limit" 175 -- which is supposed to be my "warning weight" ...

the high fiber seems to be helping -- i feel full and i consume less calories -- plus, i'm getting protein that is very lean ... :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

51 grams

i had about 51 grams of protein today... wow.

and i believe a healthy adult male should have 65 a day - how do you get to 65? eat more meat, i guess?

i don't know -- had yogurt and a latte for breakfast, 2 eggs and 2 slices of whole wheat toast for lunch, handfuls of cashews and then kashi golean crunch and yogurt for dinner... about 51 grams of protein... hmm.

high fiber/high protein

means lots of gas...but also seems to mean a lower body weight.

my weigh-in this morning: 177 -- not bad for an after weekend weigh-in that included not much exercise.

i'm really hitting the high fiber, whole grain foods... and while my body is adjusting, i can almost bet it will pay off in terms of a lower total body weight by week's end

today, i've had:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 cup of yoplait light fat free yogurt
1 homemade caramel latte (fat free)

Friday, September 18, 2009

2 pounds this week...

that's what i've lost. From 179 to 177. Still, a setback. I entered last weekend at around 177 and came up at 179 by Monday. Before that, i was in the 175 range consistently, and realistically getting close to 173. Not far from my ultimate goal, 170.

So, today, here's what I've eaten:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 grande caramel macchiato
1 slice of starbucks pumpkin loaf

and...i've walked 1.5 miles and done light weight lifting (1 set of chest presses and hammer curls)

and i'm making a cake but taking it somewhere and will NOT eat it...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


baked potato covered in grilled chicken, salt and pepper, honey mustard, three cookies

snack: 1 snickers bar and 1 diet mt. dew

dinner: to be determined....

I lost some weight

1.5 pounds, to be exact. Weighing-in this morning at 177.5

let me tell you -- when i weigh over 175, i feel horrible... i have lower back pain in the mornings, my clothes are tighter, yuck.

i don't know what happened, except i lost control for a bit and got excited about a few days below 175 and then i skyrocketed...a lesson there: discipline. focus. don't lose it.

so far today, i've eaten: 1 8oz glass of cranberry juice, 1 homemade caramel latte (fat free)

can't walk today b/c of the rain ... at least not yet.. but we'll see.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

no running today... walking, either. not unless this rain stops?

am I a wimp for not wanting to run/walk in the rain?

and by the way, i'm freezing.

lunch is at chili's...


i'm fat

i care ... but not too much


i'm fat again. 4 pounds above the 175 where i was hovering -- where on good days, 172 was in sight.

now, i'm scrambling to get back to 175

it's the fried chicken

so this morning, it's 1 caramel latte (homemade, low fat, 4 grams of protein)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


fried chicken for lunch, but 6 inch sub for dinner... and 5.5 miles of walking again today

there are NO shortcuts...NONE

1 pound down!

of course, i walked over 5 miles yesterday...

but I'm 1 pound down this morning, weighing-in at 178

breakfast: 1 grande caramel macchiato, 1 donut

Monday, September 14, 2009


1 6 inch cold cut combo from subway with lettuce, pickles, onions, salt & pepper, oil and vinegar, and mustard

4 apple slices

handful of marshmallows

then, a 1.5 mile walk with the family

then lifting weights -- chest press, hammer curls, and lunge w/shoulder press then a 3 mile walk

i walked 5.5 miles today - but i can tell i'm fat... yuck!

afternoon snack

3 handfuls of cashews and a 12 oz can of diet coke

lunch today

1 cup of Kashi GoLean crunch -- 190 calories, 9 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber (3 soluble) and 1 yoplait light fat free yogurt -- 100 calories, 5 grams of protein.

lighter lunch, more exercise = smaller me (i hope)

a short walk

preparing to venture out on a short walk, and also some weight lifting -- chest presses with 30 pounds on each arm and then some hammer curls at 10 reps, 35 lbs.


this morning's weigh-in: 179


and not ok!

i was up to 177 before the weekend, then football, french toast, etc... plus, not much working out

179. too big. I was moving in the right direction.

means it is time to get moving...period.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Fortune House, the local and delicious Chinese restaurant -- sweet and sour chicken, rice, an egg roll, plenty of hot mustard sauce and a diet coke.


oh, and i mowed the lawn!


popcorn...1/2 bag

early lunch/snack

of go lean by Kashi (cereal) 13 g of protein, 10 g of fiber and a yoplait light yogurt (5 more grams of protein, plus calcium...)

we'll see how the day goes...


today's weight: 177



i ran yesterday... i walked ... i ate modestly, i thought

and i'm up... low-fat caramel latte

Thursday, September 10, 2009

and for dinner

3 slices of digiorno pepperoni pizza, 20 oz of water, and a small bowl of fruit salad (oranges, apples, bananas, pineapples)

plus, a 3 mile walk following (with sprint intervals)

snack today

1 snickers bar and a diet coke

lunch today

yogurt, a handful of peanuts, and 8 oz glass of water

today's weight


and i'm minutes away from a late morning walk

last night, french toast casserole

this morning, 1 grande caramel macchiato and 1 donut

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

lunch and snack

yogurt and 8 oz of water for lunch

small bowl of peanuts and a diet coke for a snack.


i weigh 176 this morning. mostly careful day yesterday ...


1 grande caramel macchiato at Starbucks
1 donut

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

dinner and running

so my dinner tonight was a hearty helping of french toast casserole

yum! lots of fiber (from the whole grain bread) and good protein (bread and eggs). but also lots of sugar and fat.

then, i lifted and ran...not a great run tonight, but solid.

weigh-in tomorrow.

eating today.

breakfast -- 1 low fat homemade latte and 2 cookies

lunch -- 1 cup of yoplait lowfat yogurt and 8 oz of water

snack -- small bowl of peanuts and milk duds with a diet coke

no weigh-in

i'm not weighing-in today. I know yesterday was not good.

I'm just going to be a touch more responsible and add some exercise...

so, today i've eaten:

2 cookies (responsible, ha!) and one low-fat latte

Monday, September 7, 2009

crazy food day!

was today!

i ate 2 hot dogs, a hamburger, 2 dr. peppers, a coke, a diet coke, about 10 cookies, ice cream... 2 slices of pepperoni pizza... wow..

i forced myself to take a 1.5 mile walk later...

and i'll be adding a 10 AM walk to my daily routine..

but I definitely ate too much... too much food. wow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

wow...big food sunday

First off, I woke up and weighed-in -- 175

breakfast...low-fat latte and kashi honey almond flax bar... 11 grams of protein and some caffeine -- :)

snack.. yoplait light banana creme pie yogurt -- delicious! and 6 more grams of protein with only 110 calories!

then, big lunch at cracker barrel -- sunrise sampler -- eggs, sausage, bacon, and country ham plus grits, biscuit and gravy, biscuit and strawberry jam, and then a piece of coca-cola chocolate cake with a scoop of ice cream... wow... yeah, there's a lot of protein in there, but carbs and cholesterol, too...

then, i consumed most of a bag of popcorn and a couple handfuls of milk duds with my daughter during a movie at home...


Saturday, September 5, 2009


i weighed 174 this morning. My lowest weight since July 1, 2009. wow.

I've been really committed to the exercise and I've been eating mostly responsibly. and it is now paying off. 4 more pounds until I reach my goal of 170 -- and we'll see what happens next.

only 4 more pounds!

oh, and as for today, I've eaten:

3 wal-mart brand pancakes and a latte with skim milk

2 handfuls of peanuts

1 kashi frozen southwestern chicken meal -- 16g protein, 6g of fiber

i know i'll eat out tonight, but i'll try to be responsibly. Saturday is almost always my day to rest, not workout, and relax the body so my muscles can heal and grow.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


my weight this morning!

down 2 pounds from yesterday!

b/c i ate sensibly and ran like hell

today, i've had a sensible breakfast (bacon, egg, cheese biscuit and coffee) and then a reasonable lunch (potato with grilled chicken and honey mustard sauce and some cookies with unsweetened iced tea)

if i'm good tonight, and lift, i'll be fine... just fine

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



i had the BEST run i've had since february. tonight. WOW. Ran almost a full 2 miles. felt great. I've been walking a longer distance (3 miles) and it is paying off.

Also, lifted better - did a set of 10 hammer curls at 35 lbs on each arm...

discipline, focus, balanced eating...

totally off the wagon

so, yesterday i totally fell off the wagon. totally.

today's weight 177. a full pound over yesterday's


because i had a lunch of a whopper w/cheese and fries plus a dr. pepper.

sure, i walked around after... and did a short (1.5 mile) walk at night. but i also ate a full dinner of meatballs, noodles, sauce, and fruit salad.

not good food management at all. at all. and i'm paying for it.

So far today, i've had a grande caramel macchiato and a slice of pumpkin loaf at Starbucks. I'm getting ready to eat a honey almond flax bar (and a diet mt. dew) for lunch.

hopefully, the more sensible eating and a solid workout tonight will push me back down a bit... at least to 176.5

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today's weight


today's breakfast

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 grande caramel macchiato
1 starbucks donut

let me tell you, i slept amazingly well last night b/c of the great workout I had. And I'm maintaining at around 175/176 -- need to amp it up to get down to 170, but definitely heading in the right direction.

Monday, August 31, 2009

and i ran...

i ran so close to home!

i ran tonight and it felt great!

my dinner was simple... chicken casserole, green beans, and ice cream...

and then i played with my daughter... and then around 7:45, i lifted weights and finally, ran/walked three miles... i'd say i ran half and walked half... good enough

and it felt great!

another Monday...

and I weigh 176.5

i am going to have to change my eating habits and exercise MUCH more to get to 170.

today, i have eaten 2 donuts and a caramel latte (homemade, so skim milk and less calories) and for lunch, i'll be having a frozen kashi meal

i must get to 170

Saturday, August 29, 2009

today so far

well, yesterday was my last day at my job, so not a great food day. i did NOT weigh-in today.

yesterday, i ate:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato and 1 Starbucks donut

1 package of cheddar cheese crackerfuls and 1 3 musketeers
1 diet mt. dew

1 plate of chicken and beef nachos, a diet coke, and additional nachos

1 1-scoop ice cream sundae at baskin robbins

1 jack and coke

today has been better...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First, Yesterday

here's what i ate:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato, 1 donut

1 chicken tenders salad at Cheddar's
3 12 oz glasses of water
1 diet mt. dew


2 barbecued pork chops, green beans, and watermelon

then, i lifted... chest presses, hammer curls, and lunges with shoulder lifts
then walked 1.5 miles

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


tonight, i ate 1 bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal and 1 cup of yoplait light yogurt (strawberry) -- a total of 18 grams of protein!

i also lifted weights and walked with sprint intervals

feeling good...and sleeping better

1 pound down

so, I'm down a pound today.


but i worked out like crazy yesterday -- mowed the lawn, lifted weights, walked 3 miles with a couple of intervals of intense sprints

my food today has been ok:

Breakfast: 1 Grande Caramel Macchiato 1 Donut

Lunch: 1 #6 at McDonald's -- double cheeseburger, no pickles and fries plus a diet coke/dr. pepper mix

snack: water and reese's cups

i'll be driving home soon...


Monday, August 24, 2009

totally blew it at dinner

beef and chicken nachos at a mexican restaurant


totally blew it

good workout, though. more lifting than usual and a 3 mile walk with intervals of sprints

so far today...

for Breakfast:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks

24 oz cup of water and mowing the lawn (45 minutes)

1 6 inch bmt at subway
3 subway double chocolate chip cookies
1 20 oz diet coke


So yesterday, the plan was to have homemade pizza for lunch and a light supper.

The plan did NOT work. I did have pizza for lunch. Homemade. Whole wheat crust. homemade tomato sauce. Sausage. Cheese. 3 small slices.

then, I had 2 more slices for dinner.

too much pizza, too many calories ... and now, no pizza left for today.

and, I'm weighing-in at 176.5 -- the same as last Monday, despite having gone down in weight all the way to 174.

Now, if I lose 2 to 2.5 pounds this week, I'll just be right back where I was last Saturday.

Discipline is key.

Friday, August 21, 2009

today's FOOD

first, i was under 175 for the second day in a row... weighing-in at 174.5 this morning!

I feel soooo much better!

2nd, my food today was NOT great.

i ate one bavarian long john from wal-mart and a diet mt. dew

then 1 cup of coffee

then nothing until about 4 PM

when i had 2 handfuls of peanuts and 3 circus peanuts

dinner was four slices of whole wheat french toast -- batter consisting of 2 eggs, some 2% milk, a tsp. of sugar, a dash of vanilla, and some cinnamon -- cinnnamon is great for boosting metabolism, by the way

maybe more later...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


1 bowl of kashi goLean
1 cup of yoplait light yogurt

i will likely workout shortly -- short weight-lifting and 30-minute walk.

Lunch today -- August 20, 2009

I was at a civic group meeting.

I ate:

1 baked potato covered in grilled shrimp and honey mustard dressing
1 tall glass of iced tea, no sugar
4 small cookies

i feel too full.

very light dinner tonight.

Today's Weight

I LOST 1.5 pounds since yesterday.

The intense workout and higher protein/lower calorie supper clearly helped.

I'm on the right path... and heading toward 170, which is my short-term goal.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dinner tonight

was 2 eggs, scrambled
2 pieces of whole wheat toast with cinnamon and sugar
1 12 oz can of diet coke

weigh-in in the morning

we'll see


yep, McDonald's again.

I know, I know

but it was 1:30 before I got to leave for lunch

and i was STARVED

one double cheeseburger, no pickles
one medium fry
one medium diet coke (1 refill)

I lost 1/2 pound!

That's right, my weigh-in today was 176. I'm 1/2 pound down

Could be because of the light dinner last night plus the workout and walking!

This morning I have eaten:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 Grande Caramel Macchiato
1 Starbucks donut

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


was a bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal and a cup of yoplait yogurt (strawberry) and 1 8 oz glass of water

i walked 30 minutes and did light weight-lifting

Lunch on August 18th

for lunch today I ate:

1 mcdonald's double cheeseburger
1 medium fry
1 large dr. pepper/diet coke mix

i know, i know...not gonna keep it off like that, but i am lifting now...

we'll see.

Today's food so far...

This morning, I had:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 Grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks
1 Starbucks Donut

My weight this morning was 176.5

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th Dinner

so my dinner tonight:

one plate of spaghetti with meat sauce
one spinach salad with olive oil
one piece of whole wheat bread toasted with olive oil

24 oz glass of water

then, I lifted weights for 20 minutes ...

drank 8 oz of water

drank 8 oz cranberry juice

And for a snack


I ate a 100 calorie pack of hostess strawberry cakes, a handful of peanuts and a diet coke

will i get smaller?

And for lunch...

for lunch i had:

1 Cup of Kashi GoLean cereal
1 Yoplait fat free yogurt (strawberry)
1 Diet Coke
3 Circus peanuts
1 handful of peanuts

Today's weigh-in

So today I weigned 176.5 in the morning.

So far today, i have eaten:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

2 sausage biscuits at mcdonald's

1 16 oz cup of diet coke

1 8 oz glass of water

remember, drinking water all day is KEY to weight loss...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dinner Tonight...

so, here's tonight:

2 handfuls of peanuts, lightly salted

I serving of spaghetti with a reasonable helping of homemade meat sauce, one small spinach salad with olive oil, garlic salt, and pepper, 2 slices of whole wheat bread toasted with olive oil

30 minute walk

8 oz glass of cranberry juice and some vitamins

How I'm getting smaller...

This is my blog.

I am overweight.

I weigh 176 pounds.

I know, that doesn't seem like a lot...but i have higher than normal cholesterol and elevated blood sugar.

So, i'm losing. 10 pounds or more to start.

And exercising.

Each day I will post my morning weigh-in weight. And I'll try my best to post my meals each day.

Plus, I'll let you know what kind of exercise I'm doing.

So, today, I weighed 176.

So far, I've eaten two Kashi GoLean blueberry waffles, a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's Kettle Korn popcorn, a glass of cranberry juice (100% juice, no sugar added), a caramel latte (non-fat milk) and 5 circus peanuts.