Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's Weight and...

new developments.

First, my weight this morning was 179. Same as yesterday. I had a big meal last night and no evening run/walk. So, not bad.

On another note, my wife has returned to weight watchers and we are both going to follow their points system.

At my height, weight, and age I am allowed 29 points per day. Plus, you get 35 flex points a week (an average of 5 per day).

So, I'll start recording here what I eat and the points value plus any points remaining. You'll be able to track my progress in terms of total weight and what I'm eating.


1 low-fat caramel latte: 2 points
1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice: 2 points
2 Kashi waffles: 3 points
TOTAL: 7 points

I have 22 points remaining today

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