Sunday, August 16, 2009

How I'm getting smaller...

This is my blog.

I am overweight.

I weigh 176 pounds.

I know, that doesn't seem like a lot...but i have higher than normal cholesterol and elevated blood sugar.

So, i'm losing. 10 pounds or more to start.

And exercising.

Each day I will post my morning weigh-in weight. And I'll try my best to post my meals each day.

Plus, I'll let you know what kind of exercise I'm doing.

So, today, I weighed 176.

So far, I've eaten two Kashi GoLean blueberry waffles, a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's Kettle Korn popcorn, a glass of cranberry juice (100% juice, no sugar added), a caramel latte (non-fat milk) and 5 circus peanuts.

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