Thursday, December 29, 2011

Four Pounds

I weigh 176 today -- exactly 4 pounds less than the same day one year ago.

My goal is to start 2012 (Jan. 2) at under 180 for the first time since 2002.

My secondary goal is start at 175.

Last year, my Jan. 2 weight was 181.

Just 1 pound up from my December 29th weight.

So, if I can maintain that trend, I'll start 2012 at 177. 3 pounds under 180, 4 pounds less than last year.

And then, I'll start my serious training for a mini-marathon... which should mean serious weight loss over time (I lost 9 pounds last year during training and kept most of it off ... in fact, I still haven't hit 180 again).

If I start at 177, I could see another 9 pound drop... bringing me below 170.

My goal, though, is simply 172. I want to get there and see how it feels... when I weigh 172-174, I feel amazing... and I feel like my clothes fit well. If I lost much more, I'd have to change sizes, I think. Not necessarily bad, though.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What is today's weight?


One tiny little pound away from 175.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How Can You Shave 200 Calories a Day from your Diet?

by using VEGETABLES!

Yep, whip 'em up in your blender and swap them out for other high-calorie ingredients (milk, butter) -- I've had some amazing (and delicious) black bean brownies...

If you have one meal a day with EXTRA vegetables that are hidden, you'll consume less calories and get MORE nutrients. So, you'll lose weight and feel better, too.

Plus, because you can't see (or taste, even) the vegetables, it won't feel like a chore...

Holiday Weight Gain?

So, I'm 177 today. Two pounds away from my Jan 2, 2012 goal of 175.

This is not bad considering Christmas Eve and Christmas Day eating and a day off of work yesterday that held consumption of leftovers and sweets.

Today, it was back to yogurt for breakfast.

Thursday, December 22, 2011



Even after a Holiday dinner and dessert last night.

I ate in moderation throughout the day... in an effort to ensure I wouldn't be high on calories before the meal started...

no exercise, though. I need to hit the weights tonight.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Impact do Holiday Dinners have on your weight?

Well, for me, it's simple: weight gain!

177 today.

Of course, I had a Holiday Lunch and Holiday Dinner yesterday...

Today, I'm taking it easy -- lighter breakfast, nuts and a protein bar for lunch, and ... another Holiday Dinner.

I'm still hopeful I can stay below 180 -- I haven't weighed 180 in almost a full year now. So, I'll be trying moderation... and a bit of exercise even though its Holiday break time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What do I weigh today?

I know you're dying to know!


Exactly four pounds less than one year ago today.

Christmas is soon approaching...eating will abound. But, if I'm starting 4 pounds lighter, I should be able to maintain a healthy weight and stay below 177.

Remember, my goal for January 2nd is to weigh 175 or less with a 2012 goal weight of 172.

Monday, December 19, 2011

And so...

I have no idea my weight today. I'd guess 176.

I had a weekend of gratuitous eating. A lunch and then Holiday dinner on Saturday, another family lunch on Sunday... and although I had a light dinner Sunday evening, I also had a piece of pecan pie...and failed to lift weights or run.

If i were guessing, I'd say 176 or 177.

I'm weighing-in tomorrow after a Monday of sanity...

Friday, December 16, 2011

This morning

After a holiday dinner and despite a light lunch (protein bar, diet coke) - I'm back at 175.


And, here's the upcoming schedule:

Holiday lunch with family tomorrow, Holiday lunch with more family on Sunday, Holiday lunch at work on Tuesday, Holiday dinner with friends Tuesday, Holiday dinner with family on Wednesday...


Thursday, December 15, 2011

After three days in a row ...

... of 175, I hit 174 this morning.

I'm excited because we had a Holiday lunch at the office yesterday, but I maintained my balance and ate a light dinner and then ran for a mile and a half.

If I could get down to 173 before December 24th, I know I'll be in good shape for that January 2nd goal of weighing 175 or less.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3 Days in a Row...

at 175

I weigh exactly 4 pounds less today than I did one year ago. I think that means I'm on track to weigh LESS than 181 by January 2nd.

However, I'd really like to hit 174 or lower least before the "Christmas Week" eating season that actually starts next week with 2 dinners out during the week and then Christmas Eve and Christmas Day food-centered celebrations.

Still, I'm maintaining much lower weight than at the same time last year -- and, unlike in years past, I'm not nearing 180 as Christmas approaches.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Fight Holiday Weight Gain

So, the time from Thanksgiving through New Year's is a time for parties, sweets, eating, and YES, gaining pounds.

For about 5 years, I started every January 2nd at 185 pounds. Then, for 3 years after that, I started at 181 pounds. On January 2nd, 2011 I weighed 181 pounds.

By April 30th, I was down to 172. I've since maintained a weight between 173-175.

My goal is to start this January 2nd at 175. This would be the lowest I've weighed on January 2nd since 2002. I can't believe it has been 10 years since I've weighed only 175 at the start of a year.

So, here's my strategy:

1) Keep running. I'm a runner -- I've run some 5ks and a couple of half marathons. I'll run another half marathon in 2012. But, as December sets in and the weather turns cold, there are less days when it feels good to run. That said, I still plan to run at least 3 days a week for at least three miles. I know that burning those calories by running will help me keep off extra weight I may otherwise pick up through Holiday eating.

2) Also, walk. I have a habit of walking to a downtown library and back everyday when I'm working. It's a nice break to get me out of the office and it is a 2 mile round trip. If you're not already walking, find at least 15 minutes to get out and walk -- or, walk inside at your office. Just 15 minutes a day 5 days a week can help you burn off extra calories and give you more energy.

3) Add weight-lifting. Since I won't be getting outside as much to run, I'm doing some light circuit training to keep the pounds off. I do 2 sets of some very simple weight-lifting and the whole thing takes about 20 minutes. On a night when I'm going to run, I do just one set. If you're not lifting, just start with a reasonable weight and do four to five different exercises to work out different muscles. Weight lifting helps boost your metabolism for a couple hours after you've finished as your muscles work to repair themselves -- this will help you burn calories and has the added benefit of adding some nice tone to your body. Try 2-3 days a week with a day of rest in between.

4) Take some b12 -- not only will b12 help boost your immunity which is nice because it's colder and because you're likely to be around more people (and more germs) -- but, it boosts metabolism and energy. It should help you burn a few extra calories (like at least some of the calories in a small glass of egg nog).

5) Always move. On the elevator, at your desk, anywhere -- do small stretches or shake your hands or walk in place. Take the time to make yourself move. It may not burn much, but it will keep your metabolism up and it can give you some added energy.

These 5 tips are my strategy for making it to 175 or less by January 2, 2012.

You can try these, too and see if they help you fight the Holiday weight gain.

Today's Weight

Is 175 - same as yesterday.

Yes, this is my daily weight journal -- but, I'm also offering more now. Information on what I do and experiments in weight loss, weight maintenance, etc.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Can Your Thyroid Make you Fat?


Nearly 9% of the population has thyroid problems...and these problems can wreak havoc on your system and yes, make you fat!

You could have which case, you'd have diarrhea and be very small b/c your body is working in overdrive. There's also a heart attack risk associated.

But, you could have hypothyroidism...which slows down your body's processes...and could make it difficult for you to lose weight.

How do you know?

Well, you need to have a cluster of symptoms to be worried... just weight gain alone is not enough.

But, unexpected weight gain, dry skin, dry hair, muscle cramps, constipation and other symptoms combined COULD be a sign of hypothyroidism (the kind that makes you fat).

So, be attention to your body. Know your norms. And, when things get out of whack, see a doctor.


I'm now at 175 -- basically, the same as I was on Friday.

Tune in soon for more weight loss tips, advice, etc. I want to offer more than just a daily weight check-in diary.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I might try Cayenne Fruit as a means of boosting my weight loss....



How the f did this happen?

I know...egg nog, cookies, a trip.

but... this is NOT cool.

I'm going to take some b12 and see if that helps!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

And again...

after traveling, some weight gain.

My eating habits are soooo terrible on trips.

When I left, I weighed 173.5 -- of course, that was in part because of a bout of stomach trouble that made eating unpleasant.

By Tuesday night, alone in a hotel with time on my hands and no real food consumed save 6 Chicken McNuggets, I ordered a small pizza and cinnamon sticks at close to midnight.

I'll be damned if they didn't make a large pizza instead... I ate 4 pieces plus about half of the cinnamon sticks.

I felt MUCH better... and, no stomach problems.

Then, a movie and popcorn the next day... and a regular, light dinner

and 176 this morning.

No surprise, really. A 2.5 pound swing over a few days... but, disappointing. I have to get a handle on my travel eating habits.

What can I do to prevent the ravenous hunger and/or boredom eating?

Monday, December 5, 2011



3 more pounds

I CAN get there!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

So Today...

I'm at 175.

Exactly 3 pounds smaller than I was on this day last year. I'm excited to be holding at this level b/c it should mean I stay at or below 176 by January 1, 2012.

I have to keep running, lifting weights, and being careful about my food intake.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Up a half pound after the office Thanksgiving post-Thanksgiving Party.

And, no running last night b/c of rain/cold.

Monday, November 28, 2011


...after Thanksgiving I'm at 175.

NO weight gain over the long weekend and extended break.

Sure, I ate plenty (including dessert) on Thursday. And ate more than I should have on Friday. But, I watched it on Saturday and took care to exercise yesterday.

And ... I'm at 175. 3 pounds less and I'm at 172 -- my ultimate goal weight.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Going into Thanksgiving, I'm at 175.

I'm traveling tomorrow, so eating shouldn't be too bad. Then comes Thursday. And Friday. But, Sunday, I'll be back on the pavement, running 3 miles.

Monday, November 21, 2011


So I ran 3 miles last night for the first time in months.

I feel sore.

But... I weighed-in at 175.5.

In looking back, last year I was weighing 178-179 in October/November. I went up to 180 after Thanksgiving and weighed 181 on January 1, 2011.

By running now...and keeping up the weights, I hope to max out at 175-176 on January 1. I know I'll be eating more and I don't want to stop that - -though I plan to be more careful.

I'd like to see 172 much sooner this year. I got to 173 by April after starting at 181 in January.

If I start at 176 in January, I'm thinking I should be able to hit 170 by April. Just in time to run a mini-marathon. Weighing less definitely impacted both my race performance and the way I felt when I was finished. Plus, I looked and felt better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Yep. That's today.

Looking back, I weighed 178 at this time last year. So, I'm just a pound and a half less. But, my weight was ranging from 178-181 at this time last year. Now, it's 174-176.

Also, I started January at 181.

My goal this year is to hit January at 175.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


it's 175

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hot Peppers to Weigh Less...

Well, over at Buzz Vitamins, that's what they're saying.


That's it!

That's what I weighed this morning!!

I need to get below 175...and soon!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weighing again..

at 175.5.

Not bad. but not 172.

Time to lift and run and not eat so much candy (thanks, Halloween)

Also, for useful tips on supplements that may help with weight loss, go here.

Friday, September 16, 2011


...i did it. 4 pounds lost from Monday to friday.

Now, time to be good, be disciplined, be focused this weekend.

I'm at 173.5 right now.

Need to not top 174 by Monday.

Monday, September 12, 2011

pizza is the enemy

so after a hard day of yard work on Saturday, I ordered a pizza. normally, I cook on Saturdays and have a meal that includes vegetables, some kind of lean meat, and a bread I bake.

The balance is good and the calorie count is a lot lower than 2 pizzas and some breadsticks from pizza hut.

but, I gave in ... and then, there were leftovers on Sunday... and even though I only had a small bowl of chicken-vegetable soup Sunday evening, the damage was done... too many carbs, calories, etc.




2 pounds OVER my "new" max weight. I have not weighed 177 since February. So, that's a good thing, except now, if I have a good week and lose 2 pounds, I'm back at 175 and still NOT at 172.

This after a couple of solid weeks in the 173-4 range.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


and back to running at night. So, maybe I'll hit 170?!

Or at least hold at 172.

Last time I started running (again) was in January and I was weighing 181-182. Since then, I've gotten down to 173 and stayed in that range (or at least under 175) -- and I've hit 172 at least once.

So, back to running as the summer heat wears off.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

back to life...

finally, the summer heat and lack of running has caught up to me.


that's my new "danger number" The weight I do not want to exceed.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another week...

starting at 173.5

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



thanks, subway

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And Again...


Still hovering in this range...want to take it up (or down, really) a notch...

Monday, August 8, 2011


YES! 173. Just one pound above the goal... and it is right after the weekend... 1 more pound!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


172. I cannot remember the last time I weighed this little. 5 years... 6. It makes me realize that when I was weighing 182, I was way overweight. Yes, I know, it is just 10 pounds. But, every January from 2003-2008, I weighed 185 after New Year's Day. In a month and a half, I'd get down to 180 and kind of settle in at 178-180. That's 8 pounds more than I weigh today.

This January, I weighed 181. 4 pounds below my normal January start point. By the end of February, I was down to 175. So, normally, I would lose 5 pounds, this year, 6. Plus, in late February I started training regularly for a half marathon -- which I completed in 2 hours, 27 minutes in late April -- 20 minutes faster than my 2009 time.

I have not been running regularly since late May when the heat made even evening running unbearable. But, I've been carefully monitoring my diet and setting 175 as my "warning" weight -- that is, when I get up in the morning and weigh 175, I know I'm in danger of moving up. That may mean extra exercise that day (like an additional mile to my daily downtown walks or more weight lifting at night) ... and it most certainly means avoiding excessively sugary foods or an evening snack.

So, I did it ... I hit 172. My body feels good -- my wife says I look great. I want to stay here -- or even hit 170 and make 172 my new "warning weight." -- Based on my history, that will take 2-3 months and likely not happen until I start running regularly again -- Hopefully, as August closes, the heat will let up and I can run -- and, by all accounts, I should weigh 172-173 when I START running again ... so, dropping a pound or two in a couple weeks should be no problem.

I don't want to get too excited...but I think there is hope on the horizon for a new, healthier, lighter me!

Monday, August 1, 2011


works! I'm trying to up my intake of fiber and protein -- trying to get 25g of fiber and 65-70g of protein each day.

I'm not sure how much fiber I regularly get in a day -- I'd estimate 10-12 grams. So, getting to 25 would be a big change. I've noticed that more fiber means more time on the toilet. ugh.

but, we'll see... it makes me feel full ... and it keeps me "cleansed" so, hopefully, the end result will be healthier me and one that weighs less

Thursday, July 21, 2011

And today...



Wednesday, July 20, 2011


yep...half pound down... :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


another summer travel weekend, another return to normalcy... I've been maintaining pretty well since mid-April. Perhaps I should push it with weights and walking to get to 172.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Before a Retreat...

I'm at 173.5 -- the same I weighed the day before I ran a half marathon back in April.

I need to run again. I know if I do I'll hit 172 ... or maybe even lower. I'll feel even better. I'm thrilled that for 4 months now I've been under 175 -- but I want to go to the next level -- I've been doing some very basic resistance training (resistance bands and light weights) but need to get the cardio going.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

and now...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two Days... 174

yesterday and today: 174

Monday, 173.

Diet management and very light exercise is keeping me below 175. When I was running, I was 173. So, just giving up evening desserts and more carefully watching what I eat plus some light weight-lifting has really helped!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight...

but don't just eat whatever you want, eat sensible, low-calorie foods...

Finally, just one more pound!


Good weigh-in this morning after a good weekend of responsible eating.

Plus, I ate WhoNu? cookies for the first time -- they have 3g of fiber per 3 cookies (a serving) which also equals 150 calories and lots of vitamins. They are filling ... and they definitely have the fiber that cleans your system!

Friday, July 8, 2011

and again...

with the 174.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

And now...


Wednesday, July 6, 2011


finally did some resistance training last night for the first time in over a week -- i've been a little sick... hopefully, i'll be able to add some cardio (jogging) tonight.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


again ...and again!

so, I'm settling here for now... at 174... 2 more pounds to my goal... we'll see if I hit it

Thursday, June 30, 2011


closer...closer to 173...then 172

Monday, June 27, 2011

i get to write...

175.5 ...again! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Eat Beans, Lose Weight!

Here's more on why that works!


I get to write 175.5.

Down 1/2 pound since yesterday -- since last week, even.

Looking back, it was May 30th the last time I weighed less than 175. That roughly corresponds to the time I stopped running consistently because of the heat.

Still, I'm weighing-in consistently at about 6 pounds less than I did at the same time last year.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

4 Days in a Row

well, that's 4 recorded days (I don't weigh-in on vacation) at 176.

I weighed 176 the day before I left for vacation and I weighed 176 the day I went back to work.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


another 176

about 2 pounds heavier consistently since I've effectively stopped running.

I need to get to at least 1.5 miles a night... that should help me get down to 175 or just below.

Thursday, June 16, 2011



same as yesterday.

I've been on the road and that's always bad for my diet/exercise schedule.

I need to be more deliberate about exercising and eating well on the road.

Monday, June 13, 2011


indulgence leads to a 176 morning.

Friday, June 10, 2011

lose 300 pounds -- no gimmicks

that's the claim made here.

Early to bed -- Weigh Less

up to 248 calories less consumed per day... according to this research.

Two Days at 175

the last two days...175

i suspect not running is playing a big role. I was hitting 173.5 pretty consistently as I ran the half-marathon. But since then, it has been hotter and I've been running less. Still, 175 is an OK weight for me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

oh my!


eating full meals for dinner...salads, bread, pasta... YUm...but not what I'm used to, so my weight is, the heat makes running not so fun!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


a little high today -- but that's because I cooked and ate a great meal last night ... that included homemade ice cream... :) yum!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Stay Dark to Stay Small

...or, to stop from gaining extra fat.

Keeping the lights off...sleeping in as much darkness as you can find... can help fight fat!

Again with the 175

So, I'm at max weight of 175.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

today's weight


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


for two days in a row.

That's my max. It used to be 180

Now it is 175

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, it was a long Holiday weekend...and, like most, I ate.

But, this morning's weigh-in shows 175.

Not bad.

My wife has noticed my weight has gone down...keeps telling me I look great. So, the 7 pounds I've lost since the start of the year...definitely paying off. And I'm hovering around 174 and have been for nearly 2 months now, so I feel good about that and my ability to sustain it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another day

...another 174.5 breakfast? a small coffee w/1 sugar and a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit at mcdonald's

Thursday, May 26, 2011




that's it!

I know those last 2 pounds will come off...

but I also know it FEELS great to weigh under 175 -- and to have been here for over 2 months now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Not bad.

So far today I've had: One glass (8oz) of Cranberry-Grape juice (no sugar added) and 1 Grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks. Not sure what's next.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


that's today.

After last night's delicious meal at Cracker Barrel -- which was breakfast, really.

Monday, May 23, 2011


for weight loss (at least as a sugar substitute, anyway) ... here's the story.


1/2 pound lighter than last monday.

Only a slight gain since Friday.

And... I feel GREAT!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Lose Belly Fat

Here are some tips from RealAge.

Most interesting: popcorn and peanuts -- love those, and they are good for you. I've also started eating more pistachios -- they are great sources of fiber and good for protein.


that was today. and yesterday!


Goal for Monday weigh-in: 175 or less.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


and it is ONLY wednesday!


my diet: yogurt and a starbucks caramel macchiato in the morning

a subway sandwich, 2 cookies, diet coke for lunch

light supper -- for example, last night: bowl of oatmeal and then some apples w/peanut butter

plus, exercise in some form every day

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Even better!

174 today.

Nearing 173 by Friday, I'm sure!

I feel like I'm in the best shape I've been in in quite some time.

Very exciting!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Great MONDAY weigh-in


actually a half pound lighter than on Friday.

So, positive!

Hiking this weekend helped...and careful attention to calorie intake.

I'm starting the week off about 3 pounds lighter than last Monday.

Should be able to end the week at 173.

Maybe even hit the elusive 172 soon!

Friday, May 13, 2011


that's today's weight.

and i guess my real maximum?

i really want to be at 172 ...

need to start running ... again!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


yep. Down. a lot. today. diarrhea is the culprit. And of course, that was precipitated by a stomach bug.

yuck. but ... it means i'm not all that hungry. so, good for me. And back to the exact weight I was last week at this time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Too much Banana Pudding

means i now weigh 177

also, though I walked on Monday night, I did NOTHING yesterday but work and come home and eat and then have pudding.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

and again

at 176

but last week, I started Monday and Tuesday at 177 on my way down to 173.5 by Friday.

So, right direction.

Plus, banana pudding last night... yum. but mostly sugar and carbs and... yeah.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The pounds are back


One pound less than last Monday. But 2.5 higher than on Friday morning.

I didn't run Sunday. But I did mow the lawn on Saturday.

I've got to be starting my weeks at 175 or less.

And I'm still not hitting the elusive 172.

Friday, May 6, 2011



The exact weight of last Friday.

So, yeah, I ran a mini-Marathon, celebrated with food and a week off of running, and even with no running this week, i'm back. Exactly 4 pounds lighter than the same time last year.

I'll run again Sunday -- 3-4 miles depending on how I feel.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

blew it at lunch

with two servings of banana pudding


it was good stuff...but too much...i'll be at 175 or higher tomorrow


Today's weight

is 174


2 pounds less than yesterday!

here's the deal: I've been running. Ran a mini-Marathon this past weekend!

but, ate a lot after and gained a bit.

now i'm back. Not running, but lifting weights only this week.

And hoping to hit the elusive 172 soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


but i've been as low as 173.5 just last week.

i'm moving in the right direction... and loving the way i feel!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Friday is my target to hit 172.

I'm not going to make it.

But, I've made progress. 4 pounds down over 6 weeks. Maybe 5 if I push it this week.

Friday, February 4, 2011


i'm steady ... at 177

Wednesday, February 2, 2011



Monday, January 31, 2011

177 again!

I've lost 4 pounds in 5 weeks.

Encouraging progress, for sure!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


day two.

but when i look in the mirror, i still see fat.


My BMI is 26 -- just a touch over "healthy" of 25

To achieve 25, I need to weigh 164 b/c I am 5'8"

My wife says I look too thin if approach 170.

And I feel GREAT at 172, but haven't been there in 2 years.

Monday, January 24, 2011



so, here's a little bit about my standard food intake:

morning: 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice (no sugar added, 100% juice)
1 cup of Yoplait fat free yogurt -- 110 calories, 6 grams of protein
1 grande caramel Macchiato at Starbucks -- 300+ calories, 11 grams of protein

arrive at work -- 1 8 oz bottle of water

lunch: 1 kashi protein/fiber bar -- 200 calories, 12 grams of protein

snack: almonds and/or fruit and a diet coke

dinner: salmon/chicken/roast ... and some vegetables -- spinach, sweet potatoes, etc.

I've cut out evening desserts

On Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I run at least 3 miles (though in the colder weather, I'm getting in 2-3 runs a week instead of 4) - and on Mondays and Fridays I do 15-20 minutes of circuit training.

I feel good about today's weight -- but need to lose at least 5 more pounds.

Friday, January 21, 2011



Since starting a tracking chart on January 1, I've lost 2 lbs. Gone from 181 to 179.

I'd like to go lower, but 2 pounds over 3 weeks isn't bad. If I can do it again over the next 3 weeks, I'll be at 177 -- inching closer to my goal of 172.

Friday, January 14, 2011


hovering at 180





those are my weigh-ins this week.


Friday, January 7, 2011

right direction

which is down.


181 on Monday, 179.5 on Friday.

1.5 pounds down.

172 is on the horizon.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



but 172 is in my future. really. it is.