Monday, August 31, 2009

and i ran...

i ran so close to home!

i ran tonight and it felt great!

my dinner was simple... chicken casserole, green beans, and ice cream...

and then i played with my daughter... and then around 7:45, i lifted weights and finally, ran/walked three miles... i'd say i ran half and walked half... good enough

and it felt great!

another Monday...

and I weigh 176.5

i am going to have to change my eating habits and exercise MUCH more to get to 170.

today, i have eaten 2 donuts and a caramel latte (homemade, so skim milk and less calories) and for lunch, i'll be having a frozen kashi meal

i must get to 170

Saturday, August 29, 2009

today so far

well, yesterday was my last day at my job, so not a great food day. i did NOT weigh-in today.

yesterday, i ate:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato and 1 Starbucks donut

1 package of cheddar cheese crackerfuls and 1 3 musketeers
1 diet mt. dew

1 plate of chicken and beef nachos, a diet coke, and additional nachos

1 1-scoop ice cream sundae at baskin robbins

1 jack and coke

today has been better...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First, Yesterday

here's what i ate:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato, 1 donut

1 chicken tenders salad at Cheddar's
3 12 oz glasses of water
1 diet mt. dew


2 barbecued pork chops, green beans, and watermelon

then, i lifted... chest presses, hammer curls, and lunges with shoulder lifts
then walked 1.5 miles

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


tonight, i ate 1 bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal and 1 cup of yoplait light yogurt (strawberry) -- a total of 18 grams of protein!

i also lifted weights and walked with sprint intervals

feeling good...and sleeping better

1 pound down

so, I'm down a pound today.


but i worked out like crazy yesterday -- mowed the lawn, lifted weights, walked 3 miles with a couple of intervals of intense sprints

my food today has been ok:

Breakfast: 1 Grande Caramel Macchiato 1 Donut

Lunch: 1 #6 at McDonald's -- double cheeseburger, no pickles and fries plus a diet coke/dr. pepper mix

snack: water and reese's cups

i'll be driving home soon...


Monday, August 24, 2009

totally blew it at dinner

beef and chicken nachos at a mexican restaurant


totally blew it

good workout, though. more lifting than usual and a 3 mile walk with intervals of sprints

so far today...

for Breakfast:

1 Grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks

24 oz cup of water and mowing the lawn (45 minutes)

1 6 inch bmt at subway
3 subway double chocolate chip cookies
1 20 oz diet coke


So yesterday, the plan was to have homemade pizza for lunch and a light supper.

The plan did NOT work. I did have pizza for lunch. Homemade. Whole wheat crust. homemade tomato sauce. Sausage. Cheese. 3 small slices.

then, I had 2 more slices for dinner.

too much pizza, too many calories ... and now, no pizza left for today.

and, I'm weighing-in at 176.5 -- the same as last Monday, despite having gone down in weight all the way to 174.

Now, if I lose 2 to 2.5 pounds this week, I'll just be right back where I was last Saturday.

Discipline is key.

Friday, August 21, 2009

today's FOOD

first, i was under 175 for the second day in a row... weighing-in at 174.5 this morning!

I feel soooo much better!

2nd, my food today was NOT great.

i ate one bavarian long john from wal-mart and a diet mt. dew

then 1 cup of coffee

then nothing until about 4 PM

when i had 2 handfuls of peanuts and 3 circus peanuts

dinner was four slices of whole wheat french toast -- batter consisting of 2 eggs, some 2% milk, a tsp. of sugar, a dash of vanilla, and some cinnamon -- cinnnamon is great for boosting metabolism, by the way

maybe more later...

Thursday, August 20, 2009


1 bowl of kashi goLean
1 cup of yoplait light yogurt

i will likely workout shortly -- short weight-lifting and 30-minute walk.

Lunch today -- August 20, 2009

I was at a civic group meeting.

I ate:

1 baked potato covered in grilled shrimp and honey mustard dressing
1 tall glass of iced tea, no sugar
4 small cookies

i feel too full.

very light dinner tonight.

Today's Weight

I LOST 1.5 pounds since yesterday.

The intense workout and higher protein/lower calorie supper clearly helped.

I'm on the right path... and heading toward 170, which is my short-term goal.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dinner tonight

was 2 eggs, scrambled
2 pieces of whole wheat toast with cinnamon and sugar
1 12 oz can of diet coke

weigh-in in the morning

we'll see


yep, McDonald's again.

I know, I know

but it was 1:30 before I got to leave for lunch

and i was STARVED

one double cheeseburger, no pickles
one medium fry
one medium diet coke (1 refill)

I lost 1/2 pound!

That's right, my weigh-in today was 176. I'm 1/2 pound down

Could be because of the light dinner last night plus the workout and walking!

This morning I have eaten:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 Grande Caramel Macchiato
1 Starbucks donut

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


was a bowl of Kashi GoLean cereal and a cup of yoplait yogurt (strawberry) and 1 8 oz glass of water

i walked 30 minutes and did light weight-lifting

Lunch on August 18th

for lunch today I ate:

1 mcdonald's double cheeseburger
1 medium fry
1 large dr. pepper/diet coke mix

i know, i know...not gonna keep it off like that, but i am lifting now...

we'll see.

Today's food so far...

This morning, I had:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 Grande Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks
1 Starbucks Donut

My weight this morning was 176.5

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th Dinner

so my dinner tonight:

one plate of spaghetti with meat sauce
one spinach salad with olive oil
one piece of whole wheat bread toasted with olive oil

24 oz glass of water

then, I lifted weights for 20 minutes ...

drank 8 oz of water

drank 8 oz cranberry juice

And for a snack


I ate a 100 calorie pack of hostess strawberry cakes, a handful of peanuts and a diet coke

will i get smaller?

And for lunch...

for lunch i had:

1 Cup of Kashi GoLean cereal
1 Yoplait fat free yogurt (strawberry)
1 Diet Coke
3 Circus peanuts
1 handful of peanuts

Today's weigh-in

So today I weigned 176.5 in the morning.

So far today, i have eaten:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

2 sausage biscuits at mcdonald's

1 16 oz cup of diet coke

1 8 oz glass of water

remember, drinking water all day is KEY to weight loss...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dinner Tonight...

so, here's tonight:

2 handfuls of peanuts, lightly salted

I serving of spaghetti with a reasonable helping of homemade meat sauce, one small spinach salad with olive oil, garlic salt, and pepper, 2 slices of whole wheat bread toasted with olive oil

30 minute walk

8 oz glass of cranberry juice and some vitamins

How I'm getting smaller...

This is my blog.

I am overweight.

I weigh 176 pounds.

I know, that doesn't seem like a lot...but i have higher than normal cholesterol and elevated blood sugar.

So, i'm losing. 10 pounds or more to start.

And exercising.

Each day I will post my morning weigh-in weight. And I'll try my best to post my meals each day.

Plus, I'll let you know what kind of exercise I'm doing.

So, today, I weighed 176.

So far, I've eaten two Kashi GoLean blueberry waffles, a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's Kettle Korn popcorn, a glass of cranberry juice (100% juice, no sugar added), a caramel latte (non-fat milk) and 5 circus peanuts.