Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why does Diet Coke make you fat?

I mean, there aren't any calories in diet coke, right? It's relatively low in sodium.  So, why does it make you fat?

Well, here's a report on a study (or, actually, a couple of studies) about why drinking that next diet coke could be keeping you fat.

I write this as someone who drinks 1 diet coke a day.  Sometimes 2 on Saturdays.  It is a tough addiction to fight.  I've lost weight over the past year and I've been keeping it off.  And I still drink diet coke.  But, I want to be healthy.  And I certainly don't want to end up with diabetes.

I've noticed that when I have access to tea, even unsweet tea, I don't drink soda.  I drink water all day at work and come home and drink a couple glasses of tea. 

So for me, I have to be committed to making that tea at home.  Otherwise, it seems likely that I'll drink at least one diet coke a day.  And that could have a negative impact on the bacteria in my stomach -- and keep me from being as fit as I can be. 

What are your solutions for avoiding diet coke?  Have you struggled with fighting a diet coke addiction?

How to make Pumpkin Soup

It's time to make soup.  It is cool, breezy, and nearly November.  Pumpkin soup is healthy, full of fiber, and delicious.

It's the perfect time for this warm, rich recipe with lots of stuff that's good for you.

Monday, October 29, 2012

How to make Pumpkin Pancakes!

It's Halloween and pumpkins abound.  Plus, as we head into Thanksgiving, there will be even MORE pumpkin around.

Make the best of the season with a delicious morning treat that's also good for you.  Well, at least better for you than just straight up pancakes.

These pumpkin pancakes are delicious -- yes, this is my recipe, adapted from a couple others.  And my whole family loves them. 

They feature lots of fiber (nearly 3g per serving), tons of Vitamin A -- 130% daily value, a healthy dose of potassium and 8g of protein.  Plus, they're only lightly sweetened...so, the sugar content is not crazy high. 

Here goes:

1 1/2 cups milk (I use skim)

1 cup canned pumpkin

1 egg

2 tablespoons butter (melted)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 Cups Flour -- I use 1 cup all purpose, 1 cup Buckwheat

3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ginger

1/2 teaspoon salt

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl

Mix wet ingredients and stir until smooth and well-blended

Stir dry ingredients into wet mix until well mixed, but not necessarily smooth

Heat a griddle or skillet over medium high heat -- lightly butter or oil

Add pancake batter by quarter-cup scoops.  When bubbles appear on top, turn over and cook until browned on both sides.  Serve warm with warm maple syrup

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October Surprise

Which is not much of a surprise, I guess.  But the month is almost over and I'm holding steady at 173. 

I'd like to hit Thanksgiving at 171 or even 170.  I know after that, it will be more eating and less exercise at least until the New Year.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to make tortilla soup

This is a really amazing recipe that I have tried.

Plus, it already got RAVE reviews from Mollie!

Yes, she's the one who wrote the recipe and made the soup.

And it is YUMMY!  And also, friendly to your waistline unless you eat a TON of chips with it.

So, spice it up for your football party... enjoy tortilla soup -- and a few chips.  And relish football and fall.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Can you have dessert with Diabetes?

YES! You can.  You can have a side of dessert with your diabetes.

Many people recently diagnosed with diabetes -- or even long-time sufferers -- feel they can't have dessert with their diabetes. 

But you CAN.

Not every day or with every meal.  But, if it someone's birthday or an office party or a special night out, you can have dessert.

Especially if the rest of your day's foods have been diabetes friendly -- whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein -- not so many carbs.

Now, don't start your day with a donut at the office then have a roll with lunch and then decide to have dessert at a party later.  Wrong move.

But DO plan for that dessert later by being extra careful throughout the day.  If the dessert is really good...it'll be worth it.  And since dessert is meant to be a TREAT, not an everyday, eating this way will make you healthier, help you lose weight, and keep your diabetes under control.

So YES -- have some dessert with your diabetes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How Can You Fight Diabetes?

You don't want diabetes, do you?

Of course not.

But you may be struggling with weight loss or weight maintenance.  You may have been told you have pre-diabetes.

And so.  You feel like it is inevitable.

It's NOT.

Four steps can help you fight it:

1) Walk.  Work up to 30 minutes a day.  Every day.  Walking helps you burn energy -- calories - sugar ...and so, helps you lose weight and fight off diabetes

2) Drink carefully -- ideally, very little alcohol -- but, one drink every now and then won't hurt...moderation and discipline is key.

3) Eat fruits, veggies, and LEAN protein

4) Don't smoke...and if you do, work to quit...

That's it!

Don't accept that you're going to have diabetes...stand up and fight back.

Monday, October 15, 2012

What I weigh!

It seems to have been a while since I posted my weight.  So, here it is:  173. 

Not bad.  One pound over the 172 I crave.  But, it is fall.  And, there are more treats, cooler nights, and more temptation to eat.

At least, that's been my experience.  It seems by spring, I can get to a goal weight.  And this summer, I even got below...sometimes hitting 170 or 171. 

And then, fall hits. It gets dark earlier, it gets cool, and I crave an extra coffee or hot cocoa or warm roll.  And I add a couple pounds.  Then, from Halloween to Christmas, I pack on more pounds...candy, Thanksgiving, Holiday parties.  And I start the year well over my goal weight. 

Last year, I started at 179 -- below 180, which was huge.  And gave me only 7 pounds to lose to hit my goal of 172.  I hit 173 the day before I ran a half marathon ... and 172 not long after. 

The year before, I was at 185 and got down to 173 by half marathon time.  Now that I've been in the 172 range for a bit, I like the idea of weighing between 170 and 172.  And I can't believe I ever felt "ok" weighing above 180.  Clearly, too much weight not carried well for me. 

So, today it is 173.  And it is fall.  Walks and weights are in the future.  And we'll see if we can keep it under 175 as the new year approaches.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Can you eat more and lose weight?

Yes, yes you can!!

You can eat more and lose weight.  You just need to eat more of the RIGHT foods.  Try high protein foods -- especially yogurt, which is also high in calcium.  Calcium helps prevent fat accumulation. 

Try beans and nuts -- high protein, high fiber foods that make you feel full. 

Try eggs...they're yummy...and scramble them up in olive oil for a tastier treat that adds good fats.

Plenty of great ideas for eating ... and eating MORE and still losing weight.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How to stop gaining weight

Do you want to stop gaining weight?  Of course you do!  Unless you're a 98 pound high school fresman boy, you want to stop gaining weight.  America is headed toward an obesity epidemic.  But, you don't have to join in.

Stop all that multi-tasking while you're eating.  No tv, no phone, no iPad.  Just eat and enjoy it.  And you'll stop the mindless eating and overconsumption that cause unwanted weight gain. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Want to lose weight fast?

Of course you do!

And, you want to be smart (and safe) about it.

So, take some tips.