Monday, April 30, 2012

The race is over, now what?

Well, I ran 13.1 miles on Saturday.  My third half marathon in 3 years.  I ran it in 2 hours, 29 minutes.  Just 2 minutes SLOWER than last year. 

My pre-race weight was 173.5 -- exactly the same as last year's. 

However, post-race, I was not quite as indulgent.  I slept more and ate less -- though I did have a fabulously good meal on Saturday evening. 

As such, my weight today is 174. 

Only a half pound gained as I focus on balance. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How has my weight been?

I was at 172.5 yesterday and 171.5 today... I should hit my target of 171 by Saturday (or Friday) just in time to be the lightest I've been before a half marathon.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pizza and Cookies...

mean a weigh-in of 174 this morning.

Yep, an office lunch can ruin your weight maintenance plan... Fortunately, I'm running a 5K tomorrow, so hopefully, that'll help me...

But... that third piece of pizza...bad news!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today's post...

I weigh 173

yep. Still hanging out there... 1 week and 2 days away from the race... and of course, I've got a 5K on Saturday... we'll see if I hit 171


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Can exercise help with allergies?


Because, according to RealAge it: "enhances mood, sleep, immunity, and energy levels" sure, it won't make you NOT allergic -- but it will make your symptoms much more tolerable.

My weight today...


Still hovering in the 172-173 range. Running a 5K saturday... we'll see.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Weight Today is...


I'm moving toward my race day weight of 171.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's my weight today?


That's after a weekend of normal meals and a 6 mile run last night.

I'm betting I'll weigh-in at 171 on half-marathon day next weekend.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

8 Ways to Lose Weight and Lower Cholesterol

you know you want to know.

So, here you go...from our friends at RealAge.

Eat Protein, Burn Fat

yep. It is THAT easy. Protein makes you feel full, so you eat less. It's also essential to muscle-building...and muscle helps burn calories...and burn them faster than fat cells.

Some foods to try: yogurt, peanut butter-stuffed celery, nuts, and skinless chicken.

These foods taste great and are good for you.

Plus, you'll end up weighing less...or, in my case, maintaining your goal weight.

Some weight loss tips...

from our sister site.

About vitamins...b12 and cayenne fruit, specifically.

Why do I post my weight daily?


Ok, I don't post my weight every single day. But I do post it frequently as an accountability measure.

That's how this all got started. Me posting my weight to keep track of where I am on my journey. More importantly, the knowledge that my weight was public motivated me to make it work.

Now that I'm very near my goal weight of 170, I keep posting. One, to show that I'm serious about getting there. Two, to show that losing weight at all levels can be a struggle -- but, that it can be conquered.

Along the way, I've gained some tips and tricks for losing some weight and for keeping it off. I share those here.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

10 GREAT low carb snacks...

i've even tried some of these.

And one of them includes BACON!

check it out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Today's Weight


On this date last year, I weighed 176.

I'm coming in at 4 pounds lighter and I haven't weight at or near 175 in quite some time.

My half marathon is coming up at the end of the month and it seems likely that my training will result in a race day weight close to or at 170.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lose Weight With Fish, Nuts, and Honey!

it's true!

And it's fun... and it's been around a long, long time.

Here's some detail.

The bottom line... these foods are packed with nutrients, are good for you, and can help you stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.

Be sure they are natural, wild caught, and organically grown for the maximum benefit with minimum chemical influence...

And Today...

after Easter, I weigh 173.5.

Yes, I ate a healthy and substantial Easter dinner...and I didn't run (or walk), my weight went up a bit.

I should be back on track today. And I'm just a few weeks away from a half-marathon, so as my training picks up a bit, I'm sure to shed a few pounds.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Broiled BBQ Salmon

Yep, Broiled BBQ Salmon -- a super healthy meal that tastes great. It is simple and fast to make, pairs well with salad or steamed broccoli, is low-calorie and high in protein.

Here's the deal:

I make this with my standard BBQ rub. Here's how I make the rub:

1/4 brown sugar
3 TBS paprika
Garlic powder
Coarse Sea Salt
Celery Salt
Crushed mustard seed
black pepper
onion powder
(if you like it a little spicier, you may add red pepper)
Other than the brown sugar and paprika, there are no measurements...use what you like to achieve the taste you want... you may like it spicier, etc.

The first two ingredients are key, in my opinion, to forming a solid base.

So, make this rub.

Apply it to salmon filets - (YOU DO NOT NEED TO USE ALL THE RUB on the filets) -- you should have lots leftover unless you are making a bunch of salmon. The rub can be used on lots of meats, so keep it around.

Place filets on broiling pan and BROIL for 10-12 minutes in oven.

Remove and serve.

It's that damn simple.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pepsi Next is going to keep you fat...

...or, it's at least not going to help.

That is, the folks over at Fooducate don't like it very much.

But, it DOES have 60% less sugar...and, I'll admit, I tried one the other day. It tastes almost exactly like a real Pepsi. Not like the over-sweetened (artificially) Diet Pepsi.

I drink Diet Coke b/c I can't like Diet Pepsi. It's just too much.

Before I switched to Diet drinks, I was a Pepsi fan.

In some ways, Pepsi Next seems dangerous to me. That is, me personally. Because I like it... and because I LOVE real Pepsi and this is just like it.

Which means I may be tempted to go from a lunch drink of Diet Coke (zero calories) to Pepsi Next (60 calories).

I know, I know. Diet drinks are supposed to be bad for you and change the way your body responds to and CRAVES sweet tastes...but I also really like a diet coke with lunch. And always with Mexican food.

I'll probably keep on drinking Diet Coke for now -- and save the Pepsi Next for a special event (like a football party) when I'd otherwise indulge and go for full-on Pepsi.

But, at least you know... Pepsi Next has its detractors.

Today's Weight


Holding steady since my return from a week away.

Running some and feeling great -- being a few pounds lighter really helps the pressure on my knee.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Today's weight...


That's it, really.

Back home. Not traveling. And definitely running the last two nights. And I'm 172.5.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Eat Soup, Lose Weight

It really is THAT simple.

Eat more soup -- especially the kind with LOTS of veggies...and YOU lose weight.


Lose weight while traveling...



Nope, I don't have some sneaky new weight loss trick. I'm not recommending a pill.

I'm saying: When you travel, pay attention to what you eat.

I just took a one week trip for work. Before I left, I weighed 172. Today, I weigh 172. This in spite of being out of my weekly food routine.

Yes, a food routine sounds boring -- but it can help you maintain a healthy weight.

I traveled alone, so there was ZERO accountability for what I ate.

No one was watching or encouraging me to be good.

But -- I took note. If I had donuts for breakfast and a larger than usual lunch, I ate a light dinner.

I tried to balance out my "splurges." So yes, I had fun. Yes, I had a big margarita one night. But I also didn't have anything for dessert that night.

Traveling can be a weight gain trap. So, you have to watch it -- you don't want to come back from your trip 5-7 pounds heavier and have to spend extra time working off your vacation -- or, worse, only losing 1-2 pounds and ending your vacation more relaxed but permanently fatter.

Yes, have fun! Indulge! But keep track of what you eat and your weight goals!