Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How am I 4 pounds lighter than last year?

Today, I weigh 171 pounds.

Last year, on the exact same day, I weighed 175.  And probably felt pretty good about it.  But, since my 3rd half marathon in April, I've been at or under 173. 

I have lots of pairs of pants that are 36 waist.  But, recently have bought some 35 waist pants at places like Banana Republic and Gap and I'm considering going to a 34 waist.  I don't want my pants to look out of place... or ill-fitting.  But I don't want them too big, either.

How am I doing it?

Cutting out extra sweets. 

NOTE:  NOT all sweets.  But, I used to eat something sweet all the time.  At lunch, I'd eat my meal and some cookies.  For a mid-afternoon break, I'd have something chocolate, like M&Ms.  At night, I'd have more cookies or some other kind of treat.  On at least a couple mornings of the week, my coffee would come with a donut. 

Sugar turns to fat if not used.  Period.

So, sure, I was running.  But, I was also consuming way more sugar than my body could burn.

Now, I may have something sweet once a day.  I pass on extra sweets and only have a donut with coffee a couple times a month. 

Exercise helped me get to around 175-176.  But cutting out the sweets really tipped the scale (pun?) ... And, I can do more pushups... 22 or more without stopping ...on my way to 30, I hope.  And I very RARELY have knee pain.  My knees used to hurt, esp. after running...but I know it is because I was carrying extra weight. 

Now, I'm moving toward "right-sized" and it feels great.  I may never get into 32 waist pants.  And don't need to.  34 is fine.  Keeping the fat around my waist at a minimum and losing my moobs has done wonders for my confidence.  Not to mention that as I approach 40, I want to be on top of my weight ... to protect my heart and ensure I can do all the things I want with my child.

4 pounds lighter than last year.  4 pounds may not seem like much.  But it means a lot.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

More protein?

How can I get some more protein in my diet? I feel like I'm constantly struggling with this...tips? Hints?

By the way, my weight today is 172.5

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back up...

I'm at 173.5

I miss 172

and 170 even more.

Lots of busy time at work ... which means stress...which means strange eating...which means weight gained.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Starting the week..

..at 172.  Not bad.  But a few days at 170 was certainly nice.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How does 170 feel?

it feels GREAT!  Now to shape and tone a bit... which may add a pound or 3, but as long as I'm at 172 as a max, I'm good.  Very good.

Monday, August 6, 2012

10 days in a row...

... at a weight of 172 ...some days, 171 or 171.5.  A new normal? I sure hope so.

My goal has been to get from a high of 185 down to 172.  sure, only 13 pounds.  But on a 5'8" frame, 13 pounds is a lot. 

It changes how I feel...how my clothes fit...how I look.  And I feel more energized, more confident, less tired all the time.  And I know it has to be because I'm not carrying around 13 extra pounds all the time.

I'm going to keep posting here...it is been a long time and a lot of posts, but I want to keep it off (the weight)and if by telling my story, I can be of help to others, even better!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How good does it feel?

To weigh 172 every single day this week?  GREAT!

As anyone reading this regularly knows, my goal weight is 172.  I've hit it and stayed for 4 straight days.  Actually, my weigh-in today was 171.5.  I LOVE it.  Sure, my pants are feeling a bit loose.  But, that's not bad.  In fact, it is far better than the opposite. 

I'm focused.  I'm walking every day.  I'm watching my sugar intake.  Upping my protein.  And I feel amazing.  I'm also not believing I used to weigh 10-12 pounds more than this.  I can't imagine what I must have looked like at 185.