Saturday, December 19, 2009


it is here!

20 days into December... and i hit 180


what the hell?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


i hit 180

i even ran last night... well, walked mostly

but i hit it 180


Monday, December 14, 2009


another Monday, another weight below 180

That's right, all of December is below 180 so far!

today's food:

1 caramel latte (2 points)
1 cranberry juice (2 points)
2 Kashi waffles (3 points)

Points used: 7

Points remaining: 22

Saturday, December 12, 2009

today's weight!?

i have no idea

but i'm betting it's below 180

i had 17 points remaining before i ate dinner last night.

Friday, December 11, 2009

another day


every day in December so far, I've weighed below 180

It's a good start to a month that is sometimes difficult

I also know I need to get down to 175 or lower before Christmas to survive what will be a couple days of indulgence

today's food and points values:

1 low-fat caramel latte: 2 points
1 glass of cranberry juice: 2 points
2 Kashi waffles: 3 points

TOTAL: 7 points

Remaining today: 22 points

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

today's weight

179.5 ... yep, below 180 again!

today's points so far:

2 caramel lattes -- 4 points
1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice -- 2 points
1 donut -- 5 points

TOTAL: 11 points

remaining: 18 points

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


1 yoplait fat free yogurt -- 2 points
1 100 calorie pack of almonds 1 point

TOTAL: 3 points

remaining today: 16 points

8 days in a row

below 180

today's weigh-in: 179

today's meals: Breakfast -- cranberry juice, 2 points
latte, 2 points
donut, 6 points

TOTAL: 10 points

Remaining: 19 points

Monday, December 7, 2009

evening meal(s)

soup -- 2 points (chicken, vegetable)

4 point serving of fat free ice cream

unsweetened iced tea

total: 6 points

remain: 9 points

2 point snack

yoplait light fat free yogurt (boston creme pie) -- yum! and 2 points!

15 points remain for today

i'll likely have a latte at a coffee meeting i have soon... and then, chicken soup...

5 points for lunch

Oatmeal prepared with fat free milk -- 4 points
serving of apples (sliced) -- 1 point

TOTAL: 5 points

points remaining today: 17

7th day

under 180

today's weight: 179.5

today's food so far --

BREAKFAST: 1 8 oz glass of Cranberry juice -- 2 points
1 low-fat caramel latte -- 2 points
2 Kashi waffles -- 3 points
Breakfast Total: 7 points

Points remaining: 22

Sunday, December 6, 2009


5 consecutive days below 180.

today's weight: 179.5

today's food:

Breakfast -- 2 low-fat caramel latte's -- 4 points
Kashi Waffles -- 3 points
8 oz glass of cranberry juice - 2 points

TOTAL: 9 points, remain, 20 points

1 100 calorie pack of emerald roasted almonds -- 1 point
1 yoplait fat free yogurt -- 2 points
1 square of cornbread, 3 points
TOTAL: 6 points, remaining -- 14

14 points remain for snack, dinner, dessert... i think i can do it!

Friday, December 4, 2009

lunch today

oatmeal, apples, cornbread, and diet coke

oatmeal: 4 points
apples: 1 point
cornbread: 3 points

total: 8 points!

remaining points today: 14

Today's Weight and...

new developments.

First, my weight this morning was 179. Same as yesterday. I had a big meal last night and no evening run/walk. So, not bad.

On another note, my wife has returned to weight watchers and we are both going to follow their points system.

At my height, weight, and age I am allowed 29 points per day. Plus, you get 35 flex points a week (an average of 5 per day).

So, I'll start recording here what I eat and the points value plus any points remaining. You'll be able to track my progress in terms of total weight and what I'm eating.


1 low-fat caramel latte: 2 points
1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice: 2 points
2 Kashi waffles: 3 points
TOTAL: 7 points

I have 22 points remaining today

Thursday, December 3, 2009


one mocha and one reallybig chocolate chip cookie.

today's weight


up a half pound b/c of a dinner at Olive Garden. I'm actually glad it wasn't MORE than that.

today's food so far:

1 caramel latte
1 bacon egg and cheese biscuit

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


i bowl of oatmeal made with skim milk, 4-5 apple slices, 1 diet coke.

day 2

at 178.5

this morning, i got up at 6:15 and did 10 minutes of weight lifting

i took a 15-minute walk at 9 AM

I have had a caramel latte and a donut

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dinner and...


Dinner was a bowl of turkey chowder -- low fat plus 2 slices of corn bread

i ran/walked 2.5 miles and lifted some light weights

followed-up with an 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

Sugar Overload

Just ate 2 donuts and a grande caramel macchiato for lunch


178.5 is my weight today


1.5 pounds smaller than yesterday

so far today, i've eaten: 1 10 oz low-fat caramel latte, 1 cup of yoplait light fat free yogurt, 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

i'm contemplating lunch...maybe a starbucks lunch?