Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Too Much Sugar?

Yes, sugar can be the enemy of MANY weight loss plans.  Sugar is good.  In limited quantities, it is good for you.  But too much can tax your system, make you feel sluggish, and be converted to fat.  Unless you exercise, sugar should be kept to a minimum.

But, what if you go to a party.  Or, like me, have a special event on Saturday, a celebration on Sunday, an office party on Monday, and a birthday on Tuesday.  Well, you eat sugar.  Lots. 

What to do?

1) DRINK lots of water.  This does help flush your system.  Yes, you will pee a lot more.  But you will also help push some sugar out of your system.

2) Exercise more.  If you normally take a 30 minute walk each day, walk for 45 minutes the day after you consume extra sugar.  This will help you burn extra will help keep you from storing the sugar.

3) Get back on track.  Two or three days of excess sugar can create habits.  Habits like eating more sugar every day (which is how I gained weight to begin with).  So, stay on track.  Be disciplined.  Get back to the daily eating habits that are helping you lose weight or at least maintain a newly found healthy weight.

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