Friday, June 29, 2012

And today I weigh...


Down a pound from the last two days and heading into a weekend of austerity as I prepare for vacation.  No eating out until Monday.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My weight today...


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Should You Keep a Weight Loss Diary?


I've been keeping a weight loss diary -- mostly on paper, but also on this blog.  On paper, I simply weigh myself every morning Monday-Friday and record the weight.  That's it.  I have a weight chart going back to 2010 when I first began training for a half marathon. 

I also often post my weight here on this blog.  Today's weight, for example, is 175.  That's 1/2 pound less than the same day last year. 

I started out above 180 (really, around 183) and have in the last two years, hit 173 at the peak of my training for a half marathon in April.  So, I figure I've lost about 9-10 pounds and kept it off.  I'd like to hit 172 or even 170.  I don't want (or need) to be much smaller than that. 

I feel great. 

But, one key for me has been keeping a diary of how much I weigh every day.  It lets me know if I'm getting off track or doing well.  It helps me track the behaviors and foods that cause me to go up or down in weight. 

And over the last year, it has shown that discipline, exercise, and some very small diet shifts are making a big difference in how much I weigh and how I feel. 

Having the diary means my weight is not just speculation.  It's real.  I can see it written down.  So, I know that what I'm doing is working.  I don't just FEEL thinner, I AM actually smaller than I was in 2010 and the five years pior to that.  Really, from 2003 to 2010, I weighed around or just above 180.  And I thought that was ok.  Until I got down below 175 and stayed there.  And felt a relief in the pain I had in my left knee.  And felt like I looked good in my clothes.  And didn't feel sick or bloated or gross.

So, YES, keep a weight loss diary.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I weigh 175.

I'm at a place where I want to weigh 172 -- and I want to be more toned/defined.  I'd like to lift weights, gain muscle, and stay around 172. 

Not sure how possible that is.  I know that by building muscle, I'll burn more fat.  And lean muscle mass may add some pounds.  So, I suppose it is a tradeoff.  I have to balance what I'm eating with my workout goals so I get the shape I want.  It's nice to be (typically) below 175.  But now, I'd like to add some good shape to my frame. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eat Shit, Feel Like Shit

So, I inadvertently tried an experiment last week.  Here's how it went:

I tried eating crackers for lunch everyday.  And a snack of some sort (cookies, star crunch, etc.) Then a protein bar for lunch.  And usually a normal dinner (I ate out 4 times last week - unusual, but true).

I felt horrible.  I was on the toilet a lot ... and not pleasantly.

And I was reminded:  This is how I used to feel.  All the time.  I used to eat little or no breakfast, have peanut butter crackers for lunch with a coke, have a candy bar for a 3 PM snack, and some kind of frozen pizza or something for dinner.

I felt edgy, lethargic, gross.

Even though I was thin, I wasn't healthy. 

Then, after 30, I would sometimes go weeks or months on a "money-saving" plan of eating crackers or whatever for lunch and a lighter dinner.  And I gained weight.  More than I needed to.  And, I still felt bad. Worse, even. 

Why?  I ate horrible foods... I ate the "snack" lunch a couple days and then gave in and went to the KFC buffet.  Or, I'd eat cookies ALL day and get a sugar high and feel terrible. 

Then, a couple years ago, I started training for a half marathon.  The first year, I was slowish and didn't lose that much weight.

Now, I eat a regular lunch -- a lot of times, it's a subway sandwich and a diet coke.  Sometimes, it's a cheeseburger and a diet coke. 

I've cut out extra desserts and may go days without one.  I eat normal dinners.  With a meat of some sort, vegetables, and some fruit.

I feel GREAT.  I feel like I'm eating MORE and I weigh less.  My weight is 2 pounds from an "ideal" weight for my height. 

I don't eat shit, so I don't feel like shit.  My bowel movements are regular.  I feel good.

But last week, eating crackers and junk, I felt horrible.  I'm still getting better even after a weekend of normal eating.  Interestingly, I ate normally all weekend (and ate more food) and I weigh less today than I did any day last week.

Today I Weigh?


And I feel good about it.  I wear slim fit shirts now and they fit great.  I have more energy. 

I have maintained a weight around 173 for over a year now.  It is hard to believe I used to weigh 183-185.  That I felt good when I saw 179 on the scale.  I know it is only 10 pounds, but it is a big deal to me in terms of how I feel and my life going forward. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Got Moobs?

If you're a guy with boobs... man boobs... moobs, you probably want them gone. 

So, here are some tips from Men's Health.

What's the weight today?

After a marathon week of not running, attending events and parties, and eating dessert every night, I weigh 174. 

That's what I weighed all last week.  I did spend some time working in the yard, walked 25 minutes, and did 10 minutes of weight-lifting last night.  But, I've eaten more than I should on almost every day this week.  If I keep that up, I'll be above 175 soon.  Very soon.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

today's weight...

after day after day of too much sugar -- 175.

Two pounds too much. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Too Much Sugar?

Yes, sugar can be the enemy of MANY weight loss plans.  Sugar is good.  In limited quantities, it is good for you.  But too much can tax your system, make you feel sluggish, and be converted to fat.  Unless you exercise, sugar should be kept to a minimum.

But, what if you go to a party.  Or, like me, have a special event on Saturday, a celebration on Sunday, an office party on Monday, and a birthday on Tuesday.  Well, you eat sugar.  Lots. 

What to do?

1) DRINK lots of water.  This does help flush your system.  Yes, you will pee a lot more.  But you will also help push some sugar out of your system.

2) Exercise more.  If you normally take a 30 minute walk each day, walk for 45 minutes the day after you consume extra sugar.  This will help you burn extra will help keep you from storing the sugar.

3) Get back on track.  Two or three days of excess sugar can create habits.  Habits like eating more sugar every day (which is how I gained weight to begin with).  So, stay on track.  Be disciplined.  Get back to the daily eating habits that are helping you lose weight or at least maintain a newly found healthy weight.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I can't get to 85... Yesterday, 57.  I'm going to focus on 60 grams a day for now and then gradually try to add on.

I weigh 174 and have for most of the last two weeks.  I'm trying to get to 171.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today's protein update...

Well, I weighed-in at 172.5 -- just 1.5 pounds from my goal of 171.  Yes, 171 is my goal.  My doctor told me I am in GREAT health overall -- and that if I can 171, I'll be "perfect."  So, I'm trying to get down to 171.

And, I'm focusing on protein.  I had an additional 22 grams of protein last night upon going home.  Putting my total at 59 for the day.  Just short of 60.  And well short of the 85 that is my target.  Let's get to 60+ first, and then go from there. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Total Protein Now...

37 grams.  That's 17 for breakfast (yogurt plus a Macchiato) and 20 for lunch... a 6 inch spicy italian sub at subway.

To get to 85, I'm still going to need a lot more.  I know I can get 15-20 at dinner (47) and 10 for a snack (chocolate milk) -- but that's still less than 60 for the day.

And another day...

and I weigh 174.

Protein experiment is going ok.

Today, I'm at 17 grams.  Didn't get my Belvita biscuits b/c it was a hurried morning.  So, it's been yogurt and a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato.  Lunch is coming up.  So, we'll get some more there.