Wednesday, September 2, 2009

totally off the wagon

so, yesterday i totally fell off the wagon. totally.

today's weight 177. a full pound over yesterday's


because i had a lunch of a whopper w/cheese and fries plus a dr. pepper.

sure, i walked around after... and did a short (1.5 mile) walk at night. but i also ate a full dinner of meatballs, noodles, sauce, and fruit salad.

not good food management at all. at all. and i'm paying for it.

So far today, i've had a grande caramel macchiato and a slice of pumpkin loaf at Starbucks. I'm getting ready to eat a honey almond flax bar (and a diet mt. dew) for lunch.

hopefully, the more sensible eating and a solid workout tonight will push me back down a bit... at least to 176.5

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