Monday, January 4, 2010

10 in 2010


I'm going to lose 10 pounds this year and keep it off.

My December 31, 2009 weight was 179.

My December 31, 2010 weight should be 169.

Here's the full story.

I started 2009 weighing 181 pounds.

Before that, my starting weight in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 was 185. Every single January for 5 straight years, i started at 185.

Then, in 2008, my wife started Weight Watchers. And I ate what she ate for dinner only. Still had starbucks or mcdonald's for breakfast, cheeseburger for lunch (or roast beef) and usually salmon and broccoli for dinner. every night. I also lifted weights regularly (5 times a week).

So, I started 2009 at 181 -- my lowest starting weight in 5 years.

During those five years, my weight range was 177-185 -- so, I'd start at 185, go down a little, go up after summer, and end up at 185 again.

This year, when I went for my yearly physical, I was down five pounds from last year -- so, I was 175 in 2009, had been 180 in 2008. Good for me, I thought.

Then, my doctor tells me that my blood sugar is 101 -- 2 points above the normal range - not typically too much cause for concern except that both my Mom and Dad have Type II diabetes. My Dad was diagnosed at 34, my mom at 60. But statistically speaking, I have a very, very good chance of having diabetes -- which brings with it increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

So, I had lost weight but I'm still over weight. I'm 34 and my blood sugar is just outside of normal.

I'm told I can prevent a diabetes diagnosis by increased exercise, better diet, and losing at least another 5 pounds (meaning my goal should be 170, 9 pounds lighter than my weight today).

Diabetes is "official" when fasting blood sugar is 140 or higher on consecutive tests. So, I have a ways to go -- OR, I'm much closer to being healthy again... But, what a warning/wake-up call.

I feel good about what I did in 2009 -- moving my weight from a range of 177-185 to 172-179 -- I would say (and I wrote these numbers down) that my weight was not over 180 more than 10 days in 2009.

Here's the problem: still not good enough. I need to maintain a weight close to 170.

I need a range from 167-175 -- 175 should be the highest I ever go.

I've been eating better food -- more oatmeal, less cheeseburgers -- more sugar free -- not much regular soda at all.

exercising has been more difficult given the colder weather. But, I'm working out in the garage now.

I check in with my blood, etc. at the end of this month. Here's hoping I'm at least back to 175 and my sugar is below 100.

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