Saturday, March 24, 2012

Walking vs. Running to maintain your weight!

I walk now every single day for at least 1-2 miles. I make myself walk to a set location that is nearly one mile from my office every work day. Then, of course, I have to walk back.

So, even though I'm also a runner...and run 3-5 nights a week... walking is the KEY to my weight maintenance.

Before I started daily walking, my weight was 4-6 pounds higher than now.

Lately, I've been maintaining a healthy weight by ensuring that I walk. Every day. It probably takes a total of 25 minutes to go to the library (the building I walk to) and back. Of course, usually, I go and look around or even sit down and rest for a bit... just to be out of the office. Then walk back.

Running is awesome for a variety of benefits -- and it really helps take the weight off -- esp. when I'm training for a race -- but walking every day doesn't take too much time and helps me maintain a good weight -- so that the next time I start a training schedule, I'm not 5 pounds heavier than I need to be.

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