Saturday, March 24, 2012

Walking vs. Running to maintain your weight!

I walk now every single day for at least 1-2 miles. I make myself walk to a set location that is nearly one mile from my office every work day. Then, of course, I have to walk back.

So, even though I'm also a runner...and run 3-5 nights a week... walking is the KEY to my weight maintenance.

Before I started daily walking, my weight was 4-6 pounds higher than now.

Lately, I've been maintaining a healthy weight by ensuring that I walk. Every day. It probably takes a total of 25 minutes to go to the library (the building I walk to) and back. Of course, usually, I go and look around or even sit down and rest for a bit... just to be out of the office. Then walk back.

Running is awesome for a variety of benefits -- and it really helps take the weight off -- esp. when I'm training for a race -- but walking every day doesn't take too much time and helps me maintain a good weight -- so that the next time I start a training schedule, I'm not 5 pounds heavier than I need to be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Drink Starbucks, Keep the Weight Off

Well, if you're smart about it, that's possible.

I drink a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato 4 times a week...and have still maintained my now 9+ pound weight loss.

First, I limit myself to ONE Starbucks on any given day.

Second, I only get them on 4 or sometimes 5 days a week.

Third, I don't get the souped up extra sugary White mocha or other high-calorie syrups...of course, there is needless sugar in the caramel macchiato...but still

It is definitely possible to drink Starbucks and keep the weight off

Today's weight: 172

Monday, March 19, 2012

How to maintain your weight loss

Well, I'm at 171.5.

I've lost and kept off about 6 pounds since January 2nd.

More to the point, my average daily weight is about 10 pounds less than it was a year ago.

How am I keeping the weight off?

Discipline. Exercise. And smart food choices.

First, I'm determined that 172 is my maximum weight. I got down to 172 last year just before I ran a half marathon -- and I felt great. I stayed at 172-173 all summer. Of course, by fall, with less running, I gained. Not too much, but I gained.

Then, I set a goal of getting down to 170 by February 29th of this year. And I did it.

I weigh myself every morning M-F (I don't worry about the weekend because I don't want to stress too much).

If I weigh 172, that means NO treats that day. AT all. This takes discipline, especially if someone at the office has brought in donuts.

Next, I exercise. Last week, I ran three miles on Tuesday and again on Wednesday and Thursday. Then, I ran 4.5 miles yesterday. At least twice a week, I add some basic resistance training to the mix.

Running 3 miles takes me about 30 minutes and I run outside, so that's great, too. The point being, you don't have to spend TONS of time exercising.

I also sleep MUCH better when I'm running regularly.

So, maintain your weight loss by watching your weight daily, monitoring your intake of calories, and exercising. If you stop or decrease your exercise, as I did last fall, you WILL gain weight back.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Can Clothes Make You Fat?

The wrong ones certainly can, yes!

If you feel too comfortable, you won't notice you're gaining weight, says the experts over at RealAge.

It makes sense, really. If you are wearing loose-fitting shirts and stretchy pants, you don't notice a couple extra pounds.

On the other hand, if you wear clothes with a certain waist size and a button, you'll start to notice if you gain more than a couple pounds. And if you have to go up a size, you might be in trouble.

Can you drink Starbucks and lose weight?


Now, don't get me wrong, you can't just drink a bunch of Starbucks coffee drinks and then lose weight.

But, you can drink Starbucks and still lose weight.

A Caramel Macchiato is pretty healthy - just over 300 calaries in a Grande, 11 grams of protein... so, not bad as a breakfast along with some whole grain toast and a piece of fruit.

So yeah, take that Starbucks and drink it. Just avoid MOST of the treats they have in that little case near the register.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Up up and up.

I went to 174 -- call it March Madness. Or Spring Break for my daughter.

But I'm out of routine... and that means I'm gaining a bit of weight.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lose Weight and Look Great...

by doing aerobics and resistance training.

Here's the story from RealAge.


after a delicious weekend... 172.

Friday, March 9, 2012


so, I'm holding at 171.

I'm going to try eating MORE vegetables next week...

I'm not a big vegetable fan...but, I like sweet potatoes, green beans, and broccoli. I've thought about making that a meal.

I've also thought about meatless dinners for Monday-Thursday... we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Take the Stairs


I've started parking in a location that requires I walk up two lengthly flights of concrete stairs. It's great training for the half marathon I'll be running April -- and it tightens my leg muscles and even helps build a strong core (think: hard abs).

so, take the stairs!

Also, today's weight is 171.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The first full week of March...

...and I'm starting at 170.5!

Which means I'm maintaining at (very near, actually) my goal weight!