Monday, November 30, 2009


1 lean beef hamurger, 1 glass of iced tea with splenda

snack: 2 tootsie roll pops

daily activity: house cleaning!

today's weight

my last weigh-in was the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. Weight on 11/25: 180

Today's WEIGHT: 180

That's right. two Thanksgiving meals and a sleepy weekend and I'm at the same weight as BEFORE Turkey Day.

Now, to get back to 175.

by walking, lifting weights, and running.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


dinner: 1 lean beef hamburger w/cheese 1 serving of cole slaw, 1 small helping of seasoned ore-ida fries

2.5 mile walk

still no weigh-in

but i feel lighter

took a 40-minute walk last night

eating lighter today

Saturday, November 28, 2009

thanksgiving weight!

not even weighing-in until tomorrow.

I had TWO Thanksgiving dinners b/c my parents are divorced... one on Thursday and one on Friday... largely the same meal on both days... good food, and lots... and i ate too much twice

today i have eaten yogurt, a latte, a cheeseburger, a 6 inch sub... i'll have a cookie or 2 later... and a long walk

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


1 slice of Sam's Club 3 meat pizza
1 half of a salted Sam's Club pretzel
1 big ass Sprite


Down by 1.5 pounds today. 2.5 pounds away from 175.

today's breakfast: 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

1 10 oz. low-fat caramel latte

1 banana oatmeal muffin

Monday, November 23, 2009

4 days

at the same weight: 179

Today's food so far:

1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice

1 10 0z caramel latte (low-fat)

4 chocolate donut holes

also, i've been intentionally trying to heat more fiber -- at least one meal a day with 6g or more of fiber and then additional fiber in other meals.

I will say this: it keeps me full. It also has made me gassy. But, i'm told that as my body adjusts, i'll have less gas.

Also, individuals who consume a high fiber diet tend to have lower body weight and bmi.

at the very least, i'm sustaining and on my way down after hitting a high of 180.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

And again


3 straight days below 180 and 4 of the last 5.

Heading in the right direction!

Saturday, November 21, 2009



another day below 180

and moving toward 175

though i did have donuts and coffee for breakfast...but, it's saturday

and i'm trying not to be drastic...what i know is that if i go crazy with trying to lose and watch what i eat, i'll crash and give in and eat WAY too much...

Friday, November 20, 2009


1 cup of Kashi GoLEAN Crunch cereal and 1 container of Yoplait Light fat free yogurt

Total protein: 15 grams

Also: 1 ghirardelli chocolate square

and 6 oz of diet coke.

mid-morning snack

handful (2, actually) of almonds

Today's weigh-in


First time in 4 days below 180. Not much, but heading in the right direction.

Breakfast: 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice
1 10-12 oz caramel latte with 2% milk
2 Kashi GoLEAN waffles w/blueberries -- 8 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber

total protein: 12 grams

Thursday, November 19, 2009



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

today's weight...


but what do you expect when you have fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits for dinner?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


179 again

today's agenda:

sensible food, 2 walks, a run, lifting weights...

Monday, November 16, 2009

today's weight


Today's food:

one grande caramel macchiato, one donut, one diet coke, a handful of almonds, and 4 spoons of ice cream.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

today's weight!


yep. i hit 5 pounds over the "emergency" weight of 175.


Friday, November 13, 2009



back to balance

i knew it was temporary...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

today's weight


going down!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

today's weight...

...179. Again.

Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee/latte (non-fat) and 1 8 oz glass of cranberry juice. Soon to be followed by a cup of fat free yogurt.

Monday, November 9, 2009


yogurt, peanut m&ms, iced tea (no sugar)


today's weight!


my back hurts ...

my legs are sore from running at least 5 pounds over my "warning" weight

I've gotten comfortable. After hovering at 172-174, I went over 175 by NOT being careful, but indulging too much and too often.

and i feel it. and it feels worse.

How does this happen? I feel great the closer I get to 170, but food tempts me back... and then, when i start getting over 175, i feel sluggish, sleepy, yucky. why don't i remember? and why can't I hit 170?

Friday, November 6, 2009


reaching the high level again...per my typical cycle from halloween to the Christmas holidays...

i have noticed that taking cayenne fruit helps keep my metabolism up... and my weight down...but, it does cause some gastro-intestinal discomfort