Thursday, December 30, 2010


back to 181

lasagna last tasty, but apparently also super-filling

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

down by a 1/2 pound!

down to 180 today.

Back to a more normal diet -- some exercise (although no workout last night b/c I have a cold).

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

After Christmas Weigh-in

Today, I weighed myself.

I last weighed on 12/23 -- and I was at 178.5.

Today, after Christmas indulgence, I weigh 180.5.

The last time I weighed 180 was 11/8.

On a positive, my Christmas weight gain was only 2 pounds.

And though New Year's eve is approaching, I'm optimistic that I will see lower numbers soon.

I've already begun circuit training. I will resume running on Sunday. And the house will soon be empty of sweets.

Maybe next year I'll be typing about weighing-in at 176 or so after Christmas -- with a goal of returning to 172 in the new year. I'm trying to be realistic.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I weigh 178.5

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


so, I finally got out of the 177.5-178.5 zone. In the WRONG direction.

But, I've been lifting... new muscle mass? I hope so!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


not bad.

I seem to be holding around the 178 range with little fluctuation.

I go from a low of 177.5 to a high of 178.5.

I'd like to hit 177 or lower...but for now, maintenance in this range is fine -- especially considering it is the Holiday eating season.