Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How's it going with protein?

Well, first:  I weigh 173 today.  After 5 consecutive days at 174.  Of course, in addition to a protein focus, I've been running and doing light weight lifting the last couple days.

Next, yesterday's protein count was 46 grams -- 39 short of my goal.  How in the world can I get 85 grams of protein in a day?

I know I could eat a small can of tuna for lunch and get 18 grams...add in some pretzels and I'd hit 21 just at lunch, so there's a start.  I can see getting to 60+ grams, but 85 seems tough.

We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Protein

I had a snack.  7 grams of protein in the cold, bottled Mocha Frappucino (Starbucks) and 2 in the chocolate pretzels.  So, 30 today so far.  I need 55 before bed to hit 85.  I doubt I'll hit it.

4 More Grams!

So, I'm eating Lance Cracker Creations 5 Grain Peanut Butter crackers as my lunch.  It's got 4 grams of protein. 

I believe that brings my total for today up to 21 grams. 

Not enough. 

The last 5 days...

... I've weighed 174 each day.  That's one pound over my half marathon weight... and 2 pounds over my goal of 172.

I'm actually working on a new goal:  170.

And, I'm working on doing it via protein and exercise.

That is, I will attempt to consume half my goal weight in protein (grams) each day.  So, 85 grams of protein.

This is actually more challenging than it might sound.  First, I want the protein to be lean.  Next, protein makes you feel full, so eating more than I'm used to (I'm estimating I get close to 45-50 grams a day now) becomes a challenge.

That said, I'm trying it out.  So, you can watch and see how it goes.

Today so far:  1 cup of yoplait fat free yogurt (6 grams) and 1 Grande caramel Macchiato at Starbucks (11 grams).  Total protein:  17 grams. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I'm 174.  Yep.  That's it.

It's been a while, I know.  I ran again Sunday for the first time since the half marathon.  Walked and did some weights last night...

Want to hit 173...then 172. 

And then hold. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

On the 3rd day of May..

...I weigh 174.

Not bad. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First day of May!

and I weigh 174.

Last year, It was 176.

It's because I didn't go crazy with food post-race. 

So, here I am.

172 as a daily norm is not too far off.