Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Today's the DAY!

My goal as of Jan. 2, 2012 was to lose 6 pounds and weigh-in at 170 by February 29th.

As you know, I hit 170 for a couple days last week after a stomach illness. Then, back up to 172.

Today's weight? 170.5.

5.5 pounds lower than what I weighed and just .5 pounds away from my goal. I'm considering this a success!

I'd like to stay at or very near 170 -- with a max weight of 172. Perhaps I'll get down to 168 and give myself some flexibility. I know my running will increase as I get closer to a half marathon in late April, so that should cause some additional weight loss.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Three days.. 172...the new normal. CRAZY to me... that this was my race day weight in 2011 and it's my "high" weight in 2012.

Back to normal eating and working...and maintaining 172. I'm sure as my distance ramps up in preparation for a half marathon I'll drop some more pounds...perhaps even see a weight in the high 160s.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


it's back to 172 -- my official "max" weight...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Once Again...

... I weigh 171.5.

Still maintaining under 172.

I plan to run at least 3 miles tonight, so I'm hoping that helps.

Since I've been feeling better (not sick), I've been eating more..but also been able to exercise, so I'm hoping the two balance out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Want to burn fat?

Of course you do!

Here's one plan that may be just what you need!

After a weekend...

I weigh today 171.5

That's after a week of being sick ...and a weekend of recovery and normal eating. And a three-mile run yesterday.

I need to get to 170 and maintain it...without the aid of sickness... so, this is the week...deadline is Feb. 29th.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And finally!

I have HIT my goal weight... 170!


I have not weighed 170 in YEARS... probably at least 10 years.

I cannot believe it.

It took some discipline... and I can't believe it took this much time...but I did it!

Now, the key is to maintain with 172 being the maximum I allow myself to weigh.

By the way, I feel GREAT at 170. LOVE it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

After a few days...

...of being sick... I weigh 170.5.

I wouldn't recommend this as a weight loss approach...but... it has kept me disciplined and made me even MORE aware of what I'm eating.

I'll probably go back up to 172 after I get back to eating normal food.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

today's weight...


that's all.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Ok. This is the first time I believe I've been able to write down a number under 172 since I've been keeping this blog.

And 171.5 is just 1.5 pounds above my goal weight of 170 -- remember, I'm running a half marathon in April... and I want to be at 170 so I can run with less stress on my knees...and ideally, finish faster.

How did I get here?

1) Chronicling my weight. I keep track M-F so I know what I weigh

2) Using that information -- knowing what I weigh and tracking what I eat helps me know when I can "splurge" and have a dessert and when I need to hold back... it also helps me monitor problem foods - those that make my weight go up.

3) Exercise. I'm committed to exercising ... lifting weights, running, walking... at least 5 days a week... and it's paying off. Instead of feeling "too tired" or saying "it's too cold to run" I've found ways to push myself... and if it's too cold to run outside, I can do pushups and weights indoors... And when I do, and see results like this, it's motivating.

Friday, February 10, 2012

today's weight?


3 more pounds to go!

I feel's still winter and I'm at what was my spring weight in 2011.

I LOVE feeling like my clothes fit well, that I look good... that I'm at least somewhat in shape... and it also makes me realize that at weights of 10-12 pounds higher than this, I felt bad, looked not so good, and my clothes definitely didn't fit right...

THIS feeling is motivation to maintain!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


and: just as a refresher, this is my personal weight loss diary.

Like most people, I'm trying lose a moderate amount of weight and then maintain myself at a healthy weight.

I was weighing 181 or more (max of 185) when I started chronicling.

It's taken some time, but I'm in the low 170s. My goal is to weigh 170 with a max weight of 172.

I'll post my weight every week day and then also post tips for losing weight.

I know most of us want to lose SOME weight -- most people are not super-fat and most people resolve each year to lose 5, 10, 15 pounds.

This is MY attempt to show how that happens... at least for me. And my hope is that it will help others who wish to lose some weight and then, more importantly, maintain a healthy weight.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I weigh 173

Last year, I weighed 173 the week before I ran a half marathon in late April. And 172 the day before.

But, lately, I've been hanging out in the 174 range -- and it's early February.

So, I fully anticipate reaching my goal of 170 by Feb. 29th -- and possibly racing this year at a weight in the high 160s... I'm betting that will improve my time! and I'll feel great, too!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

and today...

I weigh 174 -- 4 pounds away from what I hope to weigh on Feb. 29.

Monday, February 6, 2012

What's the weight today?


not bad. and I'm drinking more and more water... so, that may help...