Wednesday, August 24, 2011


and back to running at night. So, maybe I'll hit 170?!

Or at least hold at 172.

Last time I started running (again) was in January and I was weighing 181-182. Since then, I've gotten down to 173 and stayed in that range (or at least under 175) -- and I've hit 172 at least once.

So, back to running as the summer heat wears off.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

back to life...

finally, the summer heat and lack of running has caught up to me.


that's my new "danger number" The weight I do not want to exceed.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another week...

starting at 173.5

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



thanks, subway

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And Again...


Still hovering in this range...want to take it up (or down, really) a notch...

Monday, August 8, 2011


YES! 173. Just one pound above the goal... and it is right after the weekend... 1 more pound!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


172. I cannot remember the last time I weighed this little. 5 years... 6. It makes me realize that when I was weighing 182, I was way overweight. Yes, I know, it is just 10 pounds. But, every January from 2003-2008, I weighed 185 after New Year's Day. In a month and a half, I'd get down to 180 and kind of settle in at 178-180. That's 8 pounds more than I weigh today.

This January, I weighed 181. 4 pounds below my normal January start point. By the end of February, I was down to 175. So, normally, I would lose 5 pounds, this year, 6. Plus, in late February I started training regularly for a half marathon -- which I completed in 2 hours, 27 minutes in late April -- 20 minutes faster than my 2009 time.

I have not been running regularly since late May when the heat made even evening running unbearable. But, I've been carefully monitoring my diet and setting 175 as my "warning" weight -- that is, when I get up in the morning and weigh 175, I know I'm in danger of moving up. That may mean extra exercise that day (like an additional mile to my daily downtown walks or more weight lifting at night) ... and it most certainly means avoiding excessively sugary foods or an evening snack.

So, I did it ... I hit 172. My body feels good -- my wife says I look great. I want to stay here -- or even hit 170 and make 172 my new "warning weight." -- Based on my history, that will take 2-3 months and likely not happen until I start running regularly again -- Hopefully, as August closes, the heat will let up and I can run -- and, by all accounts, I should weigh 172-173 when I START running again ... so, dropping a pound or two in a couple weeks should be no problem.

I don't want to get too excited...but I think there is hope on the horizon for a new, healthier, lighter me!

Monday, August 1, 2011


works! I'm trying to up my intake of fiber and protein -- trying to get 25g of fiber and 65-70g of protein each day.

I'm not sure how much fiber I regularly get in a day -- I'd estimate 10-12 grams. So, getting to 25 would be a big change. I've noticed that more fiber means more time on the toilet. ugh.

but, we'll see... it makes me feel full ... and it keeps me "cleansed" so, hopefully, the end result will be healthier me and one that weighs less